Allowing Your Success: The Road to Possibilities

By Terez Hartmann

Opening the Gate—a True Story

My hubby and I had driven the same road multiple times and had seen a sign for a fun-sounding Irish pub in a golf community that was “open to the public.” Previously, when we considered checking it out, we saw a very clear (and what seemed to be quite forbidding) guard gate and automatically assumed that it was off-limits to nonresidents, despite the words we read on the sign. On this day, however, we decided that we were not going to let appearances stop us from at least investigating the possibilities, so we boldly drove up to the guard building to inquire about the pub. When we reached the gate and mentioned checking out the pub, this wonderfully warm and friendly gatekeeper said, “Well, then you simply MUST do that!” which was also followed by great recommendations, perfect directions, and a quick opening of the gate! A few minutes later, we arrived at Mulligan’s in the Wentworth Golf Club and again received a warm, friendly greeting from “Maria,” our lovely server. She took great care of us and truly made us feel welcomed and wanting to return!

When we considered this experience, we realized that the only thing that kept us from enjoying this lovely place was our own misconception that it was closed and “off-limits” to us—which was based solely on outward appearances! It was not until we turned away from our self-imposed wall of limitation and impossibility—and then opened ourselves up to the road of possibility—that the gates could open.

What could be waiting for you on the other side of the gate?

What if there actually is NO gate after all, and the only thing denying you access is YOU?

Every journey toward realizing the things that matter begins with an attitude of openness, for even when the whole Universe is standing at the ready to welcome you with one kickin’ celebration in your honor, you cannot even begin to hear the music or find the path if YOU have decided that the gates are closed!

What possibilities are you OPEN to right now?

The Visionary Path

In order to experience something beyond what has been, you must first consider what could be. Can you imagine what life would be like if our ancestors had never contemplated the idea of more comfortable housing; better ways to acquire and grow food; new, more efficient modes of transportation; more effective ways to communicate; etc.? I don’t know about you, but the idea of rarely bathing, sleeping in a cave, and chasing down my dinner with nothing more than a pointy stick is not exactly my idea of a good time! Thank goodness for the visionaries, for without them our lives would be VERY different, indeed!

While it is important and very powerful to live in and embrace the now, it is good to remember that now is merely a jumping-off point, and that what you are seeing and experiencing at this moment is merely a reflection of yesterday’s thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Unless you fixate on the icky aspects of now, today does not have to determine what your tomorrow (AKA, the next “now”) will look like. Though it is easy to get caught up in appearances (just as John and I did in our story above), taking a moment to place at least one toe on the visionary path by choosing to shift your perspective—or by stopping to ask yourself productive “what if” questions—can set some amazing wheels in motion for a bright new day!

On a personal note, if I had never allowed myself to consider the possibility that I could live a life I truly love every day, or that I could have a healthy, fun, and beautiful romantic partnership, there’s a good chance that my life of today would look very much like those less-than-fabulous yesterdays!

What if you could experience something new and beautiful?

What if things could change in a way that adds even more well-being, prosperity, love, and joy to your life?

What if you really can and DO create your life experience? What new things would you create and allow?

What if you really ARE fabulous, beautiful, gifted, powerful, and loved beyond measure?

What if there are more of us rooting for YOUR success than you can possibly imagine?

The Bottom Line on Allowing YOUR Success: The Road to Possible

As I mention in my book, Allowing YOUR Success!, “Every adventure first begins with a point of focus and a choice.” In order to move in the direction of something new, you must be willing to focus in new ways and choose thoughts, ideas, and actions that feel different—and ultimately better—than what you are used to. It is true that the patterns, habits, and beliefs you have been practicing have some momentum going (which is why it is easy to keep thinking the same thoughts and doing the same things). But when you consciously and consistently choose to embrace an attitude of openness, mine your NOW for the good that IS, and continue to focus upon the joys of what could be, the road to possible becomes THE path that is laid beneath your feet, and that’s when EVERY step of the journey becomes oh sooo very sweet!

“When you hear the call of adventure
And you know that you’re bound for a bigger life
Fill your suitcase full of love and go forth
with an open heart
Seek and you will find your paradise…”
From “Paradise” ©2014 TTRH

Terez Hartman is the author of Allowing Your Success!, a professional Keynote Speaker/Workshop Facilitator, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, “Allowing Adventures!” & “Savor Vacation” Facilitator, true Renaissance Woman and Visionary.  She has spent the majority of her life consciously working with the Law of Attraction and “Allowing,” and owes her many years of ever-increasing professional success, constant flow of creativity, vibrant health, many extraordinary adventures, amazing relationships with positive-minded, “cream-of-the-crop” human beings and—what she feels to be her greatest allowing achievement—her extraordinary “soul-mate” marriage, to truly practicing what she teaches in her writings, presentations, adventures and music. Visit: or

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