Walking the Path of Transformation

By Elizabeth Egan

Have you ever found yourself caught somewhere between the life you had and the life you want?

Many times, transformation calls to us, but it is difficult to know just what steps to take toward the life that awaits. You may find you wake up one day completely unhappy with one of the major facets of your life, or the process may happen more gradually. Either way, it may be challenging to understand how to walk gracefully from the life you made for yourself in the past, to the life you want to make for yourself in the future.

Luckily, there are many things you can do to manifest a life that is in better vibrational harmony with the energy of your spirit, but first it is essential to discover who you truly are. If you do not know who you are at a core level, your ambitions will be of your ego instead of your Soul. Therefore, the first step in becoming more true to your authentic Self is to “know thyself” and to beware of false ambitions.

To accomplish this, you must first take an inventory of your talents, gifts, and dreams. Often, they are the language in which your Soul has chosen to expresses itself. False ambitions stem from wanting to feel secure, wanting to make others happy, or wanting to relieve the mind of stress and fear of lack. If you are doing something because you think it makes logical sense, but it goes against your nature, stop and ask yourself if this step is what you truly want at a Soul level. If you are unsure, set aside some time for solitude and contemplation. Think about the options available, and see what sensations come to your physical body. If there is any discomfort, pain or anxiety (especially in the solar plexus) then that is a strong indicator that your Soul is not in agreement with that decision. Eventually your Soul will have its way with you, and if you do not choose wisely at first, you will find yourself in the midst of deep transformation once again. There is no shame in this, however. For everything in life contributes toward our learning and evolving. It only matters that we honor the truth within.

After you come to know yourself, and you are sure that your ambitions are in alignment with your Soul’s agenda for you, your next actions should fall under three main categories:

1. Visualizing /Planning. At this stage you are formulating your ideas for your true nature. During this stage, you may ask yourself questions such as….

If I could do anything, what would it be?

If I could go anywhere, where would I go?

When I do __________time escapes me.

I am happiest and most at peace when I ___________.

I feel most fulfilled and on purpose when I am___________.

Most of us cannot simply jump from one life to another, but we can start small and act as if we already are who we wish to become. To do this, make a vision board or a Dream Box©, fill it with all the things you want to see and more importantly feel in your life. Do not obsess over it, however. Simply put it away, and let the Universe work its magic!

2. Listening to and interpreting the whispers of Divine guidance .The Universe is abundant with communication; we only need to learn how to interpret its language. Sometimes it seems we do not know which way to turn, but if we learn to depend on the whispers of Heaven and have faith, we will be more likely to achieve union with our highest states of self. Some things to keep in mind during this stage are:

Remember to ask for guidance, and look for signs everywhere that the Universe is communicating with you—they may come in the form of books, songs, nature, conversations, numbers, etc. The Universe is unlimited, and it will communicate with you in unlimited ways.

Look for signs that small dreams are coming true. Every time you notice life taking a step in the right direction, say a prayer of gratitude!

Honor all Divine messages, and do not allow your mind to judge, criticize or worry about how things will unfold. Remember to be mindful that Divine intelligence is not limited by the confines of the human mind.

3. Take Action! Nothing shows the Universe you are serious about making changes than taking action. Some of the most efficient ways of moving toward the life of your dreams include small things you can do to convince yourself that you are moving in the right direction. Here are some suggestions:

Clutter clear! When you discard things that hold old energy, you also discard the energy. Nothing new can come to you unless you make the space for its arrival, so start making room for the new you to emerge!

Honor the moments when it is clearly time to take action, take a risk, or take a chance. These are the moments that hold within them the power to change your future!

Honor the visions you have for yourself and take small steps toward them. This may be as small as rearranging your desk, hanging up pictures, buying some new clothes, changing your hair style, whatever you need to do to “fit the part” of you in your new life. This becomes extremely important in getting the subconscious mind to work along with you.

Of course, these are just a few suggestions you can follow to manifest your personal transformation. However, by following these steps, you will be amazed how glimmers of your new life will start to show up. The Universe already knows how to make this happen for you…all you need to do is honor your Soul, visualize, listen, and have faith that with every step, the Divine walks alongside you.


Elizabeth Egan holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has been a teacher in CT for 10 years. In addition, Elizabeth is also an accomplished spiritual singer, songwriter, and Reiki Master. She enjoys sharing her passion for transformation and mindfulness through her contributions to Transformation Magazine, teaching spiritual workshops, and her energy healing practice, Celtic Moon Reiki® where she gently blends the powers of sound and energy healing in order to harmonize and restore energetic balance to body, mind and spirit. Elizabeth released her first album, INSPIRED last spring, and is currently working on her first book, Gifts of Transformation. Contact eegan78@gmail.com.

This article is an excerpt from the book Transform Your Life! Expert Advice, Practical Tools, and Personal Stories, written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at www.Transformation-Publishing.com, Amazon.com, BN.com, and all ebook formats.


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