Striking Your Spiritual Balance

By Dr. Lisa Turner

It seems as if almost everyone is spiritual these days. I can’t help but notice that there are a lot of people telling others how spiritual they are, and many seem to believe that being spiritual is all about how much, how often, and how loudly they profess their spirituality.

Have you ever met someone who makes a point of telling you he or she is spiritual?

Perhaps that person was wearing purple and vegetarian sandals, and telling you that the microwaves from cell phones cook your brain. These people often tell you about the amazing spiritual experiences they’ve had or how they like to meditate and can’t stand loud noise. They may even tell you about how often they ask their angels for help and advice.

If you’re the sort of person who finds all this a bit much, and gets put off by this great “show and tell” of spirituality, you’re certainly not alone.

On the other hand, although being spiritual is much more acceptable than ever before, there are a lot of die-hard sceptics (cynics) out there who love to ridicule those who claim to be spiritual. These sceptics will be equally adamant that spirituality is illogical or unscientific.

The bottom line is that being spiritual isn’t about what you say, or wear, or do. It’s not even about what you choose to believe.

Being spiritual is just that. It’s about who you’re BEING, not what you are DOING.

Being spiritual is how connected you feel to the source, whatever that “source” is for you. It might be simply your source of inspiration and intuition, or you might call it God, the Universe, Great Spirit, Great Mystery, or something else entirely. What you call it doesn’t matter. Being spiritual isn’t about how you behave overtly. It’s about what you experience in the comfort and privacy of your own mind. And most of all, it’s about how you show up in the world.

There’s a saying in Huna:

“Effectiveness is the measure of truth.”

What this essentially says is that how effective you are at solving, avoiding, or overcoming challenges—how much difference you make in the world—is the measure of how true you are being to your spiritual principles. In essence, it’s how grounded you are.

Notice how different this is to how many “New Age” spiritual people show up for life. They are often broke, frustrated, and not living the life they choose. Even if they tell you how “at peace” they are, it’s easy to sense an undercurrent of unhappiness and even bitterness and resentment.

Finding Balance

So how can you truly find your spiritual balance? How can you be true to your spiritual beliefs while staying grounded and effective? Well, let’s take a look at some dos and don’ts:

First, here’s how NOT to be spiritual.

  • Tell everyone how spiritual you are, always, loudly, and often. Make sure that you have a subtle sense of superiority, and pity for those who haven’t yet seen the “Light.” Spend more time talking about your amazing meditation experiences than you do on actually meditating.
  • Insist on eating a really unusual diet. But then get caught eating a bacon sandwich when it suits you.
  • Wear weird clothes, so you stand out. But make sure they are the exact same weird clothes that all another spiritual people wear.
  • Be broke—and also slightly superior and proud for how little you earn.
  • Say “spirit told me” when you want to do something or to avoid doing something you don’t want to, even if it causes others problems. Make sure you emanate a sense of victimhood in the process, as if there’s nothing you can do about it and that you have no choice but to follow the will of your spirit guides.
  • Spontaneously give uninvited “psychic messages” to anyone who happens to be in your vicinity. To be extra spiritual, you can make sure that you do this loudly in public where you can attract a lot of attention.

I’m sure a few of those rang true for you or you have seen others in action doing them! And I expect that some of this behavior has put you off the whole idea of sharing your spiritual beliefs or joining spiritual communities.

So how DO you find your spiritual balance? How can you be both spiritual and grounded?

  • Understand that spirit and matter are just opposite ends of the same polarity, just as hot and cold are both different ends of the temperature spectrum. You can, and are, being spiritual when you’re being grounded, practical, and pragmatic.
  • Meditate daily. Meditation or any time you spend in quiet reflection allows you to open up to your inner guidance, your “Inner Tuition” which is, of course, your intuition.
  • Take care of the physical. This includes money, possessions, and your physical body. It is completely possible to be spiritual AND rich. They are not exclusive or incompatible. On the contrary, as a spiritual person you can make much more of a difference if you are successful, and your success enables you to help even more people.
  • Speak about your spirituality in ways that are appropriate and only if necessary. Be selective about what you share and who you share it with. It’s completely possible to BE spiritual and not ever need to mention it to anyone.
  • Honor your intuition. This is the route to success and overcoming any problems. Einstein used visualization to craft his general and special theories of relativity. The scientist who discovered the chemical structure of benzene saw it in a dream. Your dreams and daydreams are important and will lead you to solutions.
  • Take action. A spiritual person knows that spirituality gives you the inspiration, but there’s always a bit of perspiration required to make changes in the psychical world. After all, you can’t meditate a brick to lay itself. Use your spirituality to avoid and overcome problems and challenges, and your deep connection to source will be very magnetic and inspirational for others. Then it becomes easy to gather a group of supporters around you.

Dr. Lisa Turner is the founder of Psycademy, which offers a professional certified psychic and spiritual practitioner training. It is her personal mission is to assist people to become empowered, free, and successful to help them evolve. Her approach is based years of research into the latest scientific, psychological, and spiritual thinking on what it means to be human in the 21st century. For more information, visit:

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