The Healin Power of Past Life Regression

By Amanda Jewel DeJong

Blood-curdling screams erupted from my throat just before the inhalation of the thick pungent smoke hastily stifled them. I reflexively gasped and coughed until there was no more oxygen left to breathe. I could only thrash wildly as I watched the flames consume my body while flesh appallingly separated from bone. Somewhere, on a soul level I knew that I was truly witnessing my own horrifying death.

“…Two…Realizing that was then and this is now…One…Relaxed and fully aware of your current surroundings…” These were the words spoken as I gradually came back to consciousness. I felt the couch beneath me and heard the familiar sounds that echo daily throughout my neighborhood. Yet, the realization of what my experience entailed was sinking in, and I began to cry. I wept for the woman I saw in my vision, the incredible wisdom she had imparted upon the world only to be taken in a moment of great vengeance. I cried because although she was hurt, there was still so much love for her in the end. My gut wrenched at the terrifying way her life was stripped and the realization that the fear of fire still had a very real hold on me lifetimes later.

This was my first experience with past life regression, and it forever changed me for the better. To begin with, I had no idea if this particular style of hypnosis would even work on me, let alone where I would go, who I would be, and what potential benefit my encounter might inflict upon my current life.

Before undergoing my session, my mind reeled with all of the things I am afraid of: failure, rejection, and loss, as well as the traditional physical fears of getting buried alive, being attacked by people, getting raped, sharks, snakes, and the list goes on. Fire was something I have had an unhealthy concern with since as far back as I can recall. In fact, I was terrified of it.

On the day of my encounter, my mind was reeling with the various scenarios that may potentially take place, yet fire was not in my immediate forethought. Since I had no specific goals for our session, I was warned ahead of time not to over analyze possible outcomes. It was also explained that there was a chance I might experience memories graphic in nature and to simply allow the process to unfold. In hindsight, I am so pleased that I did because I gained comfort in knowing that my terror was actually rooted in reality and not a figment of my imagination. As a result, I was able to release and let go of the angst I felt surrounding this incredible element.

“That was then, and this is now.” I had no reason to be afraid of fire in this life. There had been no event that would cause me to react so anxiously to flames, yet I would. Since then, my uneasiness has turned to respect and, although I still have times where I become apprehensive, I am reminded of what I went through and revel in my own strength. I am not that girl any longer. I share her stories, her memories and attributes, but I do not have to share her fear.

Understanding the Process

Past life regression (PLR) is an incredible practice based upon the idea that we are all eternal beings who carry over experiences from one lifetime to another. It is through these encounters that we are able to understand ourselves, our actions, and the way we view the world in a more profound way. Regression is a therapeutic technique designed to move a client backward through time in order to directly access and re-experience a piece of one or more of their lives.

Much personal growth and healing can occur during a PLR session, as we potentially will be able to resolve the lessons from our past that are blocking our current progress.

This approach may also be used to discover and then reinforce positive occurrences, gifts, and strengths that we possess. It helps us understand where talents and abilities may have originated from, see personal relationships in a new light, release trauma at the root of physical problems, experience transitional states of death, and even beyond. To recognize one’s life purpose or release anxiety and fear linked to the past can be extraordinarily gratifying and life altering.

The technique itself can be done through guided imagery, hypnosis, or other states of deep relaxation where memories from the subconscious mind can be accessed. Our subconscious minds function on a level deeper than what we normally experience and have the ability to remember events much more intensely. We can use this to access memories that have occurred earlier in this lifetime or we can go back much further to the ones before.

Even those individuals who do not believe in reincarnation can profit from such sessions, as it is not a requirement and will not change the effectiveness. As long as one can keep an open mind about the experience, it may be approached as a wonderful story or metaphor the mind has created in order to deal with and understand current situations more thoroughly. Re-experiencing and reprocessing the impact of these memories or fantasies helps bring closure and enables us to move forward more freely—regardless of one’s personal beliefs.

Some people may not perceive these visions vividly or in much detail at all. Therefore, it is advised to proceed with openly and cease any previous “expectations” from the beginning, so as not to inhibit the progress. Information will come in a number of different ways, through sound, sight, taste, feeling, smell, and even intuition.

If you decide to go down this path focus on what you are encountering and don’t worry about if it makes sense or is “really happening.” Just trust whatever comes up at the time and in turn, you may have a profound awakening. It is also important to note that you will only conjure traumatic memories if you are truly ready to address, release, and let go of the issues because ultimately YOU are the one in charge. Discharging the physical and emotional trauma stored within the body is incredibly rewarding and vital to the healing process. You will not experience something you cannot handle. Often, as with my case, one will feel more peaceful after discovering the unnecessary anxiety and phobia affecting them in the present time. Keep in mind, most people will succeed in the first session while others may require more than one in order to relax and recall past memories.

One day you just may find yourself obsessively drawn to a certain place, or lost in comfortable conversation with a stranger you feel like you already know, or have a moment of déjà vu and perhaps even dream of a far-off land in brilliant detail. Recognize that this may in fact be a sign that you have been on this earth in another life. Consider past life regression as a way to tap into these other aspects of your soul and thus begin understanding yourself in a whole new light. Then let the healing process begin.

Amanda Jewel DeJong is a licensed massage therapist, transpersonal life coach, hypnotherapist and Reiki practitioner and teacher. She holds a degree in Holistic Healthcare with emphasis in Mind/Body Psychology with majors in Clinical Hypnotherapy as well as Spiritual Studies. Amanda is the owner/operator of Transformational Therapies based out of Layton, UT, where she helps clients to achieve personal goals, create optimal health. and promotes holistic wellness. Visit the company at or  email Amanda at

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