Creating Your Own Sacred Space Part 1–The Aspects of Your Being: Life and Light

by Berenice Andrews

By cultivating the aspects of your being—your inherent (and sacred) powers of Life, Light, Love and Law—you can become all that you truly are. And since you already are the energies of creative consciousness— you already are a manifestation of the Spirit—all that’s really necessary is for you to know this and to live all the wonder that’s you.

Author’s note: If your intent is to develop and live with that greater knowing, i.e., a deeply personal awareness of the Spirit and the Spirit World, as this is taught on the shaman’s path, please prepare by referring first to the ritual of “Casting the Circle,” that appeared in the January 2015 issue of Transformation Magazine. [ADD LINK] Then continue into this article and plan on following through into the forthcoming March article. All of these will give you your shamanic instruction and experiences.

In these articles, you’ll be asked both to identify and to work with the macrocosmic and microcosmic energies/powers that constitute your being. When you do, please expect huge energy shifts. They can and will happen in and to you. For you’ll experience inner transformation and transcendence. And you’ll be creating your own “sacred space.” As for the latter, you’ll learn that it’s actually where you always are. And you’ll be on your own sacred “journey” of becoming all your “I-am-ness” in this dimension.


Life as macrocosm is an eternally unchanged and unchanging aspect of the Spirit that’s working through you; life as microcosm is an aspect of the Spirit that’s always beginning and renewing itself (lifetime after lifetime) in and as you.

When you start your journey, at wherever that starting point is, you can be assured that you’ve already been involved with Life/life. Quite simply, you have experienced it in you and around you as a “given.” Expanding on that awareness, now you take in and focus on knowing that Life/life is transformative and transcendent consciousness/energy vibrating as every particle/wave of the cosmos, including you.

Then, as you’ve already done in the shamanic ritual of “Casting the Circle,” you plunge into the energies/powers of the East. And you put yourself on the shaman’s path of Opening the Way. Do this, and know that on this first part of your journey into newness of being, you are willing to face the challenges awaiting you.

On this path, your “lower” (in terms of vibratory frequency) three chakras—your root, sacral and solar plexus centers of consciousness—will be the focus of your “healing work” i.e., your focused energies of transformation and transcendence. Because these chakras can vibrate at a very low frequency, they’re always resistant to anything new, especially a newness that will change them. Thus, your healing work will require the fullest use of your self-discipline. If that is not part of your present being, do not despair. Maintaining your intent will help you to face that and the other difficulties you’ll encounter on this first path.

In that setting, your initial discipline (discipleship) involves a lot of “letting go” of old patterns of doing and being. In response, the Life/life energies give you the spiritual qualities of strength and courage. They carry the confidence that’s known as faith and gift you with vigor, self-esteem, optimism, and openness. All of them indicate a deepening inner empowerment which slowly comes, while you are moving into a sense of freedom. (You can be certain that a greater sense of freedom always accompanies a deepening inner empowerment.)

It’s within that empowerment that you’ll slowly start to emerge out of your low frequency consciousness energies into those of humanness. And you’ll know that in this first creative work, you are already becoming what you inherently are.

In that process, you’ll discover (and become) a life energy that’s already present in you. It’s there, because it’s also present in the “grounding” energies connecting you with this Earth. Moreover, in that very growth process you’ll be developing the quiet “will” power that supports your emerging faith.

And there’s more: in the sense of freedom that you are generating there is something much greater than your former strivings for control of your situation and circumstances. Indeed, all of this new growth is promoting the aspect of Life/life, where you don’t have to be in control, and you are gradually starting to know it.


In the meantime, Light/light, the second aspect of your being, is also at work. And those inherent Macrocosmic/microcosmic powers are also somewhat familiar, even at the beginning of your journey. And why? In this Earth dimension the light of the sun is necessary for all growth, including yours. Thus, there is in you a “natural” orientation towards light (and towards “en-lighten-ment”). And on this second venturing of your shamanic path—that of Coming Into Being…you’ve already been preparing to experience and explore your sacred space…in the South.

Then, in you go, and you know that Light as macrocosm is an eternally unchanged and unchanging aspect of the Spirit that’s working through you, while light as microcosm is an aspect of the Spirit that’s always beginning and renewing itself (lifetime after lifetime) in and as you.

Thus, Light/light (while partnering with Life/life) is transformative and transcendent consciousness energy vibrating as every particle/wave of the cosmos, including you.

And the Light as macrocosm is really your “Ground Luminosity;” an immense power that has always been permeating your sacred space. As the light microcosm, it does this as the colors/sounds of your centers of consciousness—your chakras—and, thereby, of your energy “field.”

With all that power, on this, your second path, more qualities, those expressing purity and simplicity, are coming into your being. Although they’ve always been there, your low vibration has not allowed you to perceive them. Thus, this path in the South involves developing a new “balancing” that is not recognizably present in your lower vibrations. And your inner development continues with more healing of those lower centers of consciousness with their mistaken notions about who you are.

How does that happen?

While your transformation and transcendence proceed, you’ll be developing/experiencing the other side of “faith,” namely, “trust.” In this balancing, there will be a softening and a weakening of the old resistance. This is hard to explain in terms of the linear progression familiar to people in this dimension.

So, you are now being asked to take in another fundamental idea about you, i.e., about your “masculine” and “feminine” energies. Please note that your faith is part of an innate outward-developing “masculine” power that can (and will) increasingly dance (i.e., relate) with your trust which is part of an inward-developing “feminine” power. In other words, you’ll increasingly be collecting the evidence of things unseen (faith) while you are surrendering to the unpredictable (trust).

And on you’ll go, while each new day unfolds and “time” (as it happens on the Earth plane) moves you and the Earth onward. Although your intent can sometimes falter, it never quits and your journey continues. Perhaps, what you sometimes (often?) won’t realize is that you are changing and becoming. And you really won’t have to concern yourself with the process. Just know that the indwelling Spirit is at work, while you are quietly adding hugely to your inner empowerment.

And this has been happening for a good reason. While you have been experiencing your path of Coming Into Being in the South, you have continued to follow the path of Opening the Way in the East.

And why is that?

Your shamanic path of becoming human is happening because you have been letting go of your old habits and practices. Concurrent with that releasing, you have been moving into such a quietly empowered balancing that there is increasingly less involvement with “either/or.” What has slowly been coming, instead, is a “both/and”—a paradox that’s really quite wonderful. This change will continue. And on your journey of transformation and transcendence, you can (and will) become multidimensional.

With all your increasing awareness (it’s accompanying the letting go and the balancing), you are developing a new sense of “I-am.” It’s your new humanness that’s gradually being fostered by the Spirit and by you.


In the work of developing the aspects of Life and Light, you are growing into all of their powers, and gradually growing past them. And with this you’ll be preparing for the March article, in which you’ll be learning more about becoming and being all that you—humanly—are.

Berenice Andrews is a shamanic teacher/healer and a regular contributor to this magazine. To explore the ideas presented above in greater detail, please refer to her book Rebirthing Into Androgyny: Your Quest for Wholeness…And Afterward. If you are interested in becoming her student, see her website:

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