Sound and Color: Healing Tools of the Universe

By Rev. Spencer Rouse

Sound and color were predicted to be the medicine of the future more than 70 years ago by “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). He was “the father of holistic medicine,” and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. We are now living the future that Cayce saw.

The healthcare community, both mainstream and alternative, is catching up with Edgar Cayce and many other healers, shamans, and intuitives throughout history who have used sound and color as healing tools.

The examples are many: Gorgi Lazanoff (1926-2012), the Bulgarian psychiatrist, greatly increased the learning capacity of his students by playing Baroque music (composers from the 1700s including Bach, Vivaldi, Telemon, and Handel), while his students breathed in rhythm with the beat. Through experiments in the early 1960s, he showed that sound and music have a profound effect on our physical, mental, and emotional health, paralleling the beliefs of ancient Egyptian, Celtic, and Oriental cultures that also embraced these energetic perspectives.

Today, allopathic healthcare uses ultrasound for diagnostics, imaging, and treatment of diseases or conditions on almost every part of the body. Various frequencies of ultrasound can break up kidney stones, aid in destroying bacteria, transport chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells in the brain, and disintegrate certain types of cancerous tumors. Ultrasound also is commonplace in modern dentistry, ophthalmology, and many nonsurgical procedures in every area of healthcare.

Bright white full-spectrum light is now being used in the treatment of cancers, SAD (seasonal affective disorder), anorexia, bulimia nervosa, insomnia, jetlag, shift working, and alcohol and drug dependency, as well as to reduce overall levels of medication prescribed to patients.

Blue light has been shown to be effective in the treatment of neonatal jaundice, rheumatoid arthritis, and in healing injured tissue, preventing scar tissue, as well as for healing burns and lung conditions, addictions, eating disorders, and depression. At the other end of the color spectrum, red light has been shown to be effective in the treatment of cancer and healing wounds. Indeed, color is becoming widely accepted as a therapeutic tool with various medical applications.

Color therapy is also used to improve the performance of athletes. Red light helps athletes who need short, quick bursts of energy; blue light assists when a steadier energy output is needed.

Pink light has a tranquilizing and calming effect that suppresses hostile or anxious behavior within minutes of exposure. Prisons are successfully testing the use of pink holding cells to reduce violent and aggressive behavior among prisoners.

No doubt, mainstream is coming to terms with the transformative power of light, color, and sound.

What is Light?

From a metaphysical perspective, light is made up of colors, each representing archetypal qualities and levels of consciousness. During its journey from the “origin of creation” through the universe to earth, light travels through the Pleiades constellation, which relays the full spectrum of colors to our Zodiac, the sun, and all the planets of our solar system. We can see this light when we look at the stars at night, and we may even be able to discern the red of Mars or the green of Venus. However, we cannot hear the songs of the stars yet, except clairaudiently, according to Fabian Maman in The Tao of Sound.

Even though we are not always consciously aware of the effects of light, color, and sound on our energy fields, their frequencies are constantly bombarding us. Color and shapes are stored in the mental layer of the aura, which also holds thoughts and mental activity. Sound stimulates emotions and feelings, which are stored in the astral (emotional) layer of our aura. Many sound frequencies themselves also are stored in the astral layer, especially acoustic sounds. (Acoustic means coming from natural sources, not electronics.) While electronic music may be enjoyable and evoke emotional response, the sound is static and temporary. It does not have a penetrating healing vibration because it sounds and then stops resonating.

Sound from acoustic sources produces a rippling effect that continues, much like water when a pebble is tossed into it, because an overtone is automatically produced that relates to the original note being played. We have to listen very carefully to hear the overtone with our physical ear, but our cells respond to this harmony between the original note and overtone. These notes vibrate in resonance with each other. The space between the original note and the overtone is called an interval, and it is in this space that healing occurs.

Through an elaborate system of metabolization, the sound and color frequencies that are stored in our auras relay their energetic messages through the chakras to every part of us, physical and subtle. And as we learn to work with sound and color, we can activate physical healing, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

Tune Up Your Body and Mind

Meditative toning with your own voice is a vibrational massage to the body and mind, inside and out. You can experiment with the effects of specific notes and vowel sounds to achieve relaxation and balance, as well as improve stamina and release unwanted emotions. Be creative! Be aware of the effect of each note and vowel. By consciously stimulating the various organs and glands through the use of specific notes and vowel sounds, you can entrain them to vibrate at a higher frequency, thus stirring up sluggish organs to function more efficiently.

Toning often can help you align to your deepest Self and move you closer to your own inner balance, freedom, and creativity.

Instruments made of natural materials (crystal bowls, wood flutes, metal instruments, animal skins, etc) also create the overtones that stimulate an expanding consciousness, although the purest, most beneficial results come from working with your own voice. Besides, it is more portable!

Color is a tool that can link you to Source. Each color offers us a spiritual message, and meditating on a color can reveal the message it has for you. It is important to touch or see the color to receive its full impact. While mystics and color therapists can cite qualities and characteristics of every color shade, it is important to understand that each color has a wide range of qualities. It is always wisest to depend on your own impressions as to what each color brings to you. Everyone is different, and you will react to colors according to your needs in any given moment. And as you work with colors over time, you may discover a favorite or two that always seem to have a message. Colors help bring into our consciousness messages about who we really are!

Light is the finest, fastest, and highest of all vibrations. At its purest, it is unconditional, creative love, the force of creation. Esoteric philosophers tell us that all known energies come from a single point in the Universe, the Source of Pure Light, or the Gamma Point (Alice Bailey). As light becomes denser and slows down, colors become apparent. As it slows down even more, light becomes audible, and we call it sound.

“Sound and color are one; they are two aspects of life. Life and light are one. Life is light, and light is life, and so color is sound, and sound is color.”—Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi Mystic

The Universe has gifted us with tools to guide us here on Earth. We are made of vibrations of light, so sound and color can help us harmonize and balance ourselves, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They can bring to consciousness our own inner light so that we can more readily understand our own path in this lifetime. No matter which path we have chosen for our earthly experience, the ultimate goal includes creating more understanding, more love, and more joy within ourselves and in the world – more enlightenment.

Rev. Spencer Rouse has been a psychic medium, teacher, counselor, writer and healer for more than 25 years. She recently completed her Level 1 and 2 studies of Acoustic Sound, Color, and Body Movement with Fabien Maman (Father of Vibrational Sound Therapy) at the Tama-do Academy in Malibu, and Switzerland. Spencer teaches “Soul to Soul” classes in Sarasota, FL, which focus on how to tune into the true self through the tools of sound, color, and ancient teachings. She also will be presenting an interactive class focused on color, sound and Chi in relation to healing this winter. For more information visit, email or call 941-706-1005.


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