Surrender to the Peace Within

by Virginia Robichaux

Peace is a choice, and it can be your choice! You need look no further than within yourself. While this sounds like a simple thing to do, just the proposition of looking within puts most people into a state of avoidance. So applaud yourself if you have reached this milestone in your spiritual development. This place of stillness, bliss and rest is a matter of choice—a surrender to ourselves, a surrender to our core essence and our true being.When we finally find the courage to go there, we know we have arrived. We encounter everything we have always hoped to find and finally let go of everything we have tried to avoid without success in the past. We finally love ourselves unconditionally, and we accept the peace within.

The peace that lies within is the unconditional love of our core essence.

Our core essence is all that was, all that is, and all that will ever be. There is no fear in this place but, rather, pure love and an awareness that ALL IS ONE. We are no longer under the illusion that we are separated from the Source, and we can be peaceful at anytime just by remembering this.

However, there is a difference between “choosing peace” and “supporting peace,” and we must be careful not to confuse the two. Here’s a personal example of what I mean. Once my son decided to grow his hair “long” and told me how he teased his dad one day saying to him, “Look Dad, I’m growing my hair for peace!” His dad rolled his eyes and said, “whatever” and then walked away. Hearing this story, I laughed to myself because my now ex-husband had long hair himself while growing up during the 60s and early 70s. I imagined him remembering the peace rallies. I guess he really could not say, “No, my grown son, you must not express your support for peace in this way!” My son later admitted he was just teasing his dad; he was really just trying to impress girls by growing his hair long.

This type of expression, as well as peace sign bumper stickers, other slogans and rallies, are examples of individual and collective support for peace. They are necessary to raise our vibration and to share peaceful energy for the planet, provided the positive energy and influence is generated and used correctly. However, they are external manifestations that are separate from establishing the place of inner peace.

How to Stay Within Your “Peace Place”Now that you understand the difference between supporting peace and finding inner peace, assume you have gone within either through meditation, journaling or just quiet time and have found your core essence. You have surrendered—you have made the choice. You have chosen to love the core of YOU under all circumstances. You have chosen peace and have found your “peace place.” You can now live there safely and harmoniously without distraction. You can gauge how well you are doing in your peace place by how you are feeling at any given time.

Still, there may be things, people or places that you may need to eliminate to maintain your new-found serenity. I want to share my own list to help you recognize what types of changes can help you stay firmly planted in your “peace place.”

1. I no longer watch the news on a regular basis. It is disturbing to me, and I choose not to include it as part of my reality or, more importantly, allow it to disrupt my serenity. I now only catch the main highlights once or twice a week.

2. I am hypersensitive to loud places or places with loud crowds. This could even be a small place with a small group of having a “loud” conversation. I find myself having to distance myself from these situations completely.

3. Certain individuals in my life no longer resonate with my being. It was not that they or I did anything wrong, but we have reached different places on our journeys and our energy no longer matches. It no longer serves us to engage.

Remember that if you are now loving and honoring yourself unconditionally, without fear or reserve, whatever does not resonate with your being will naturally start to fall away from your life. The divine order of the universe is answering your call. It has recognized your choice of peace and love.The entire frequency of the planet and the universe benefit anytime someone chooses peace, decides to love, and takes the steps necessary to heal. Together these three accomplishments merge to help us become ONE with ALL.

Virginia Robichaux is a Houston, TX-based Intuitive Medium, Author, Healer and Visionary. Virginia uses her abilities to provide detailed descriptions of past, present, and potential future situations and events. She is also able to see and communicate with loved ones who have crossed over, guides and angels. Virginia’s Visionary work is about producing information to help and empower others and teaching others how to develop and use their own gifts. Contact Virginia at or visit


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