The Long Journey to the Heart

By Howard Peiper

The longest journey we will ever take is the one from the head to the heart.
The long journey from the head to the heart begins when we recognize the difference between change and transformation. While change can be viewed as an event, transformation is a process. It involves a journey in which we must hold the tension of the opposites between doing and being, thinking and feeling, knowing and uncertainty, steadfastness and letting go.

While change may or may not ultimately lead to transformation, transformation always requires significant change on both the emotional and intellectual levels.

While change may be forced upon us, or entered into with reluctance, transformation requires a willingness to make the journey.

The process of transformation challenges us to address, and indeed heal, those aspects of our being which we may be hesitant to acknowledge but which can prevent us from moving forward. Transformation involves changes at the core of our being, changes that are implemented in a thoughtful and intentional manner. Thus, the process is rarely swift but rather involves slowing down long enough to truthfully examine and discern the deeper meaning in our lives. In this process we have to consider ways in which the events of our lives and our actions have led us to present reality. The result of such assessment can be increased clarity leading to a deeper integration between who we are and what we do. Such alignment is a key element in starting the journey.

To begin moving toward a new future, it’s necessary to begin with the past. We develop a deeper understanding of our true self by reviewing the past through a lens that moves beyond chronicling the events, experiences and people who influenced our lives toward choosing a deeper understanding of the patterns, rhythms, and unseen forces that actually wove together the story of our being. This includes taking time to recall our earliest experiences of being held in trust by others and the impact of such relationships in shaping our values and beliefs. Also, in noting those times where we stretched beyond our own limitations, soared to new accomplishments, and when we fell in utter failure, we begin to sense our capacity for managing uncertainty and exercising our talents. Through this assessment we may begin to reveal the patterns and behaviors that support or detract from the attainment of our goals and dreams.

As a result of such deep work we discern not only what happened, but also why it happened and, more importantly, we clarify our own responsibility in defining the outcomes. As we begin to recognize how our actions, or inaction, placed us in our current state, we take the important steps along the journey to the heart.

While our history reminds us of who we are and what is sacred to our being, reading the current reality truthfully helps us discern where there is alignment, or possibly misalignment, between our stated values and current actions. To read reality truthfully we need to see things whole. This stage often necessitates a period of silence, time in which we still our thoughts long enough for the quiet voice within to emerge.

Here the deeper work of shifting from the head awareness to heart understanding is essential. Often in the process of change we are able to navigate clear steps, as we go from point “A” to point “B”. However, in transformation there is often a space where “A” does not lead naturally to “B”, leading us instead to a place where we have to suspend our desire to navigate or define the course.

This moment of letting go is essential if we are to build a bridge from the head to the heart. The magic of true transformation comes about in our willingness to suspend our desire for movement and action long enough for the integration between our head and heart to happen and so that deeper sense of clarity and vision can emerge.

Author’s note:  There is a new DVD titled “Sacred Journey of the Heart” that I would highly recommend for everyone to watch. It is available at Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D., nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, has written several best-selling books on nutrition and natural health. His blog is:


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