Find Your Sanctuary

By Lenka Spiska

We all have a unique and personal definition of the word sanctuary—our sacred, protected place or refuge. We often do not realize how much we need this “island in the storm,” how much we seek it and how much we absolutely depend on it, until a time of crisis is upon us.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. When I picked up my daughter from school not too long ago, she was holding her tears back.  She explained that she was sticking up for a nice girl who was the target of a bully.  She held all the pain inside, stayed tough and when she felt safe in my car she started to cry. Later that week, a boy told her that she is not a good tennis player and another girl told her that she scribbles and she is not good artist. The list goes on and on.

The more I listened to her stories, I more I realized that our children go through the same things that adults do on a regular basis.  Almost every day we feel other people’s disapproval on some level or we just simply feel insecure when we are around certain people because they make us feel insignificant and not good enough.   We battle every day to feel confident and strong—and appear happy at the same time.

We come home and we seek some kind of sanctuary, a place where feel comfortable and where it’s possible to unwind and relax.

For some of us it is the park, the gym, the beach or perhaps visiting with a friend who will subconsciously lift our energy and spirit up. For others, it may be as simple as 10 minutes of meditation. Regardless of the place, we all need a safe, peaceful haven where we can acknowledge our feeling and our needs.  We must find the time to spend in our sanctuary and “recharge.”  When we know who we truly are and what we need to do to thrive, we can then function more efficiently with joy and laughter, prosperity and abundance.

We also need to create the same type of safe and secure sanctuary for the children in our lives.

They need a place that feels totally secure, where they can let their guard down and express their feelings, even those that are not very pleasant.  What a great gift it is to share and teach with younger generations that it is ok to express our feelings in our personal sanctuary without the fear of punishment or judgment.  Like many people, I was very moved and touched by the movie The Help, which is about housekeepers in Mississippi during the 1960s. I loved the scene where one of the nannies made sure that she had created sanctuary for the family’s little girl by giving her unconditional love and a daily reminder that she made her repeat often: “I AM GOOD, I AM KIND, I AM IMPORTANT.”

We are all good, kind and important, and we can all benefit from a sanctuary in which to reflect and regroup when we need to re-frame our perspectives about who we are and what is truly important in our world. That is a place where we feel secure, in spite of all the judgment from others, and where we can feel loved and lovable.May you find that special place and may it bring peace to your life.

Love and Light

Lenka Spiska was born and raised in the Czech Republic, where she spent time with her family learning about Tarot, intuitive readings, energy healing and herbal remedies. She has traveled the world extensively and speaks four languages. Lenka studied nutrition both in Europe and the United States and is a trained Reiki Master/Teacher.  After her daughters were born, Lenka’s intuitive gifts and passion for spiritual knowledge were reawakened, and she now serves as a spiritual guide and health intuitive. Lenka believes in empowering others by teaching them to listen to their inner voice and their own truth. She also works with board-certified Internal Medicine Physician Dr. Teresa Sievers in Estero, FL.  For more information visit

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