Reflections… Abundance is the Gift of Life

By Ricky Roberts III

In most cases, we associate the concept of abundance in our life to our finances and the material things we possess. Although abundance is rightfully associated with money and what we own, it is not where it begins or ends. It is not the entirety of what it is.

Abundance is in the air we breathe. The sounds we hear. The sights we see. It is in the capacity to feel love. The family and friends we have. The people we inspire and help. The experiences we are given to learn and grow from. Abundance is the opportunity to experience the sensation of being in this body; to be alive.

Years ago, I had the privilege to be a volunteer Chaplin for St. Anthony’s Hospital. My duty was to check in with patients. Talk to them. Listen to them. Simply let them know that they were not alone, as there were many patients who had no one visit them. No matter how many times I walked into a room, or what the ailment of the patient was, there always seemed to be a general sense of gratitude just to be alive. On one particular day, I visited a man who had both arms and legs removed because of diabetes. He was of Asian descent and did not speak English very well. Regardless of our language barrier and the extreme nature of his condition, he still had a sense of gratitude for life. He was in a bed; no one was there visiting him, but me; he just had his limbs removed; and, yet, he was still connected to the ultimate realization of abundance, which is life itself.

Time and time again, I have seen people with virtually no money, no material items and even no one around them still express thanks to be alive.

Granted, they may not be happy in their circumstances, but they still feel the abundance of life. Life in and of itself is the fullness that embodies abundance. Everything we posses or acquire simply complements it. True abundance is found in the gift of life.

There is no abundance you can attract or manifest in your life that is more precious and important than the essence of your existence. Your life is the ultimate abundance you seek. Live it with gratitude and use it to help others see the abundance in their lives, too.

YOU ARE VALUED – Ricky Roberts III

Ricky Roberts III is the creator of YOU ARE VALUED, an organization devoted to creating positive change by embracing the value of every man, women, boy and girl through community outreach, involvement, discussion and inspiration. Ricky inspires through his books, articles, speaking engagements, workshops, youth outreach, volunteer work, and his interaction with others in his daily living. He is dedicated to reaching people in a positive way wherever he may be. Visit and

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