Practical Spirituality: The Investment that Always Appreciates

By Rev. Marla Sanderson

What’s important to you? What do you value? It’s been said that what we appreciate appreciates. When you add your positive energy to an action or idea through appreciation, it becomes more positive and more valuable. When you invest your money in it, you circulate worth and prosperity.

It’s nice to know what you really value so you don’t waste time and money on things that aren’t important to you. It’s easy to get caught up in habits or activities that have no real value, or to take for granted those that do.

To see what you value, notice how you spend your time and your money.

Life is full of conveniences, yet people are more stressed than ever. We have higher expectations of ourselves to perform, measure up, succeed, and be cool—or hot. Ask yourself if you are spending your precious time on the things you value. Are you happy?

How you spend your money reveals a lot about your values.

You have a standard of living to maintain and are undeniably entitled to that and more. Your home, car(s), wardrobe, and the other “necessities” all cost money. You pay big bucks for subscriptions to use your electronic devices and cell phones, even though life might have been less hectic before they came along.

At any given time, it appears that you have just so much money; even though, in reality, it’s not True. The fact is, you have access to unlimited resources, talents, and abilities from your true Source. Your connection with Divine Mind offers infinite creative ideas and opportunities. Love and happiness all come from within.

Many who are on a spiritual path would say it is the most important part of their life—the missing piece for many that money can’t buy. Yet many people undervalue spiritual practices or classes that would increase fulfillment and true prosperity.

Has some spiritual insight changed your life? Has some teacher opened your mind or your heart to a higher quality of living?

How much is peace of mind worth in dollars and cents?

Measure that against the cost of a prescription for the latest happy pill. How much is Love worth? What’s a fair price tag for learning to operate in the world as a powerful creative spiritual being?

Is it worth as much as a bad movie and a tub of greasy popcorn? That’s a $20 bill. If it took the same money as a tank of gas to give you the personal tools to make a smarter decision or solve a problem, which would you spend your money on?

While stuff breaks down and gas tanks run dry, an expanded consciousness will support you for a lifetime and take you places your car will never go. What is that worth in dollars and cents?

This magazine is filled with ads for practitioners, classes, and events that offer a fresh approach to life. How much is THAT worth to you? While you may not respond favorably to every viewpoint presented here, spiritual guidance is priceless—not worthless.
Next time that love offering basket comes around, you might ask yourself just what that “quality of life” is really worth to you. Which will it be? A crumpled-up dollar bill or “twenties from Heaven”? In my mind, you can’t make a better investment than the one you make in yourself. It’s the investment that always appreciates!

Marla Sanderson has been a student of spiritual practice for more than 35 years. She began as Assistant Director of The Next Step, a psychic and spiritual community in a New Mexico ghost town. As workshop leader, teacher, practitioner, and minister, she has led relationship and personal growth workshops, taught psychic development and meditation, Living Love, and the Science of Mind. Marla is available for workshops and speaking engagements. She recently founded the New Thought Center for Creative Living.

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