The Power of Animal Wisdom

By Terez Hartmann

Enjoying the Journey is Human-NATURE after all!

Beautiful, wild and free: Got to love those amazing animals! Whether we consider our trusted furry, feathered or scaled friends, or the myriad creatures that make up our earth’s ever-changing, magnificent moving canvas, there is no question that the existence of animals deeply enhances our experience of being human.

For millennia, we have looked to the animal kingdom for inspiration, and their attributes and likenesses are seen and celebrated everywhere.

They are everywhere, from the playing field (Tampa Bay Rays, Denver Broncos, Chicago Bulls) to corporate America (the Exxon tiger, Coca-Cola’s polar bears, Anheuser-Busch’s eagle) to even defining the spirit of an entire nation (the lion of the UK, Australia’s kangaroo, the USA’s bald eagle). Their character and essence are found in the names of many of our vehicles, political parties, and award designations, and it’s no accident that they have been a central theme for artists, writers, musicians and the like since time immemorial.

Perhaps it is because we inherently know that even though our intentions and how we experience life may differ, there is a beautiful, wild and free being that also exists in the heart of every human—and the more we remember that all livings things are indeed connected, the more we can experience and express the very best of our human-NATURE.

Animals are Master Allowers
When it comes to enjoying the journey, one has simply to observe a squirrel bouncing from tree to tree, notice the incredible speed and accuracy of a heron spearfishing, or watch any bird or butterfly glide effortlessly (because they can!) to know that animals are on to something. While it is true that humans have the ability and desire to discern and create in much greater detail,

We certainly can learn a lot from our animal compadres, especially when it comes to Allowing!

If we pay attention to the animals that we are naturally drawn to or that are prevalent in our environment, culture and lives, there is a veritable treasure trove of insight and guidance just waiting to be discovered! Below is an example of how even one animal can offer so much valuable advice for Allowing Success!

Rabbit wisdom: New birth, abundance, presence and SO much MORE!

The rabbit is indeed a fabulous symbol for birth and fertility, so it is no surprise that it has been associated with the many aspects of spring and the Easter/Ostara holidays. Rabbits are well-known for being prolific. This alone makes them a perfect symbol for fertility and awakening, but because they have several litters a year, they are a reminder that new birth/fertility, AKA ideas, opportunities, gifts and our flow of prosperity/abundance (or as I like to say “a-BUNNY-dance”) can come ANY time we are in alignment!

Rabbits are incredibly fast and have the ability to turn on a dime and change directions with astounding ease and skill. This is a great reminder that when we are present, listen to our inner guidance and are willing to follow inspired action—even if it means changing directions—it is easy to make the right move at the right time!

Rabbits can go from being completely still to taking off in huge leaps and bounds.

This is also an indication of how quickly things can change, and that there is also great value in being still. Know when it is time to listen rather than talk. Take time to rest and recharge the body, mind and spirit. Allow ideas proper time and resources to germinate before leaping forward with them. Most importantly, get into alignment first before taking action!

For more about rabbit wisdom or the wisdom of any other animal, check out Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, Power Animals by Stephen Farmer, or any other book or teacher that you feel drawn to explore. Do remember that though many cultures and individuals have associated specific keynotes with certain animals, how YOU feel and what YOU associate with your animal is always what is most relevant for YOU.

If you would like to connect with The Power of ANIMAL WISDOM, here’s a tool you can use: Keep an animal wisdom journal and pay attention to animals that show up daily, animals that you have always been drawn to, animals that seem to go out of their way to get your attention, or animals you have never seen that have suddenly started making appearances. Even pictures and symbols of animals may have insights for you!

Make a note of:
1. How you felt or what you were thinking when you saw a certain animal
2. What it was doing/its general behavior
3. Its physical attributes, including color/s, size, etc.
4. The environment where you spotted your animal (city, pine forest, desert, in or by a body of water, etc.)
5. Its mating, “nesting,” or migratory habits ( is a great quick reference site)
Refer to Animal Wisdom-related books for additional ideas and insights.

The Bottom Line on The Power of ANIMAL WISDOM
Just as I mention in my book, ALLOWING Your Success!, remember that:

The wisdom from animals is simply another guidepost to help you along the path of life.

It should never take the place of your inner guidance and direct connection with your Source. Like any tool, this is simply another way to ultimately lead you back to YOU.

When you take into account the idea that we are all ONE, animals are simply another part of ourselves expressing differently—but even though our inner guidance is flowing and speaking to us all the time, sometimes having the message delivered in the form of a cute, furry, gravity-defying, or majestic messenger makes the message all-the-sweeter!
Perhaps enjoying the journey is indeed human-NATURE after all?

“…And just like them I see, we’re all beautiful, wild and free.”
—from “Beautiful, Wild and Free” ©2010-12 TTRH

Terez Hartmann is the President/CEO of ALLOWING Your Success & BEYOND!, LLC, author of the book ALLOWING Your Success!, a professional Keynote Speaker, Retreat and Workshop Facilitator, Coach, Recording Artist, Show Host and Singer-Songwriter.  For more about Terez, access to FREE Allowing resources and “Words, Music, Adventures & BEYOND for LETTING Good Happen and ENJOYING the Journey!” visit To order her book, ALLOWING Your Success! visit

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