Small Shifts Big Results

By Marla J. Albertie

Nineteen microchanges that will help your career take off!

As a career and life coach, I am often asked, “How do I advance my career.”

I always advise, “You can do an array of things depending on your goal.”

The major tasks are different for everyone, but there are some universal, small changes you can make. I call them microchanges—and you will be amazed at what a slight shift can do for your career!

If you want a raise or more job satisfaction, embrace these simple tips for taking your work performance to the next level. They will pay off quickly.

1. Use the Internet to gain knowledge and promote your visibility. When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? I recommend looking at it every two to three months to make necessary changes. Let colleagues see your most recent accomplishments!

2. Reach out to your network. Contact colleagues you have not spoken to in some time. Reconnect with past coworkers. You never know who holds the key to open your next door.

3. Support others. Networking is most effective and rewarding when you focus on giving to others. Did someone in your network get a promotion? LinkedIn is great for sending reminders about birthdays and promotions. Comment on as many as you can.

4. Follow industry news. I can’t stress this one enough. Stay abreast with happenings in your industry. Spend a few minutes each day reading an article or two about what’s happening in your business world.

5. Monitor your life. It’s easy to lose track of time, so set limits on your extracurricular activities. 

6. Organize. Give yourself time to read and set up systems in your life.

7. Engage in face-to-face interactions. There is nothing like having a great conversation with someone while getting to know them. Maybe that’s even more true today when so much communication occurs electronically.

8. Connect. Intentionally reach out to make in-person connections.

9. Demonstrate initiative. Sometimes you will be asked to perform tasks outside of your job description. Step up.

10. Be a team player. Identify top business priorities so you know where to devote your efforts. Find a way to contribute that goes above and beyond your job description.

11. Volunteer your assistance. Volunteer your time at work or in your community. Try both! Find your areas of interests and see how you can help.

12. Speak up. In every meeting, there is always that one person who says nothing. Don’t be that person! Make your voice heard on subject matters of interest. You don’t have to speak at every meeting, but you should speak regularly.

13. Contribute. Take part in meetings and business discussions. Your confidence will grow and you will earn appreciation.

14. Show enthusiasm! Your team and manager will trust and value you more if you show that you’re invested in your career. After all, it is YOUR career. If you don’t have an interest in it, why would anyone else?

15. Express gratitude. Let your colleagues know how much you appreciate them. Gratitude should be an ongoing, authentic effort. Offer sincere praise and share credit for team projects. Coworkers will be more likely to return the favor if you do.

16. Dress for success. Appearances count—whether or not you agree. If your career goal is to become a business manager, dress like one.

17. Focus. Pay attention to the office culture and those who hold the position you desire.

18. Join a professional association. There is no better way to meet people in your industry! Membership has its benefits, including networking and educational opportunities. Your employer may cover all or part of the cost.

19. Use your vacation days. According to Harvard Business Review, employees who take all of their vacation time have a 6.5 percent higher chance of receiving a promotion or raise than peers who are stockpiling their time off. Isn’t that amazing?

These microchanges will help you do a superb job and maintain harmony in your life. Which ones will you implement today?

Marla J. Albertie is the founder Truth Speaks Group, LLC, a multi-media coaching company dedicated to creating solutions for integrating work and life to create harmony. Marla loves to read, is a concert and comedy show junkie and a cruiser for life. Follow Marla on Twitter @tspeakscoaching and IG @Tspeaksgroup. Sign up for the Truth Speaks Group LLC Newsletter at

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