Defensive Living vs. Offensive Living

By Matthew Douglas/Rainbow Walker

Are you learning from a place of love or are you reacting to life’s situations in fear?

On a grand scale, you cannot control all that comes at you and the situations that occur in your life, but you can control your responses.

Defensive living means reacting from a place of fear to everything that happens in your life on a daily basis; you fear all that comes to you and focus on the differences between the people with whom you interact. If you consistently choose fear, it starts a chain reaction that becomes self-perpetuating. If you practice offensive living you are still reacting to life’s situations—but with love and learning instead of fear. You go with the flow in different situations from a place of acceptance.

Here’s an example of each approach:

  • When you react out of fear the focus is on “What am I going to do?” or “What is going to happen next?”
  • When you respond from a place of love and learning you say, “What is happening now and how can I learn from it?”

If you choose to go with the flow in life’s situations, it will take you where you are needed in service and where you desire to venture and explore in this world. This is the beauty of living out of love and learning! You are growing as situations occur instead of shrinking away from them in fear. As a result, you are free to realize the lessons that present themselves in every situation, whether it is a lesson on growing from the inside or a lesson on seeing the outside world from a different perspective.

Let the love that you find within dictate how you react to the situations that come from the outside. Let the love permeate out of you and allow yourself to see external situations that happen in many different ways, from different angles. Flow from one situation to the next realizing that there is love in the world and it comes from within.

Honestly ask yourself how you are living your life. What is the truth? Are you in fear or are you in love? Ultimately, you are the student and you are the teacher. Learn from life and also teach that which you learn.

You are loved, you are light, and you are the power beyond and it is all found within. We are Rainbow Walker. Thank you.

Matthew Douglas was born and raised in a small Indiana town as the youngest of four siblings. He faced many challenges in life, which provided the growth needed to step forward into his expression of true purpose. In 2003, Matthew realized he was a natural channel for Rainbow Walker, a collective of spiritual guides including Yogi, Joy, Zac, and Seth. Matthew is now dedicated to sharing their transformative information with the world and passionate about spreading their inspirational work and helping other people find their true path by looking within. Discover more at or email

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