Truth About Angels: The Infinite Within

By Emily Rivera Andrews

I hope this New Year welcomes you with a sense of excitement and gratitude for all the new energies that are awakening within us all. Our ability to access the Infinite within and all around us is at a heightened state. We have components within that are in the process of aligning, as the patterns of excellence are being further awakened by our souls and the spiritual support that guides us through this journey.

There has been an increasing amount of Angels and Divine Light surrounding our earth and us as individuals. With this increasing light, it’s becoming easier for more individuals to enter a place of sincere communion with God/Divine. I have been guided to include an excerpt from my booklet on Truth about Angels, in hopes that more individuals can connect to the Angelic realm that is so powerfully intertwined with our own reality. I trust that it will help you connect more tangibly with the love and clarity shared by their presence.

They want you to know that they are always by your side as expressions of God/Divine, guiding, loving, healing, comforting, and inspiring you. Namaste…..

We are always surrounded by love. During all of our moments we are being inspired, comforted, loved, and guided by beautiful Angels.

They are continually connecting with us, and they desire to create a more intimate relationship with each and every one of us. All beings have spirits to protect them, and that includes you. The first group of companions that assist us in our life journey are the Angels.

There are a variety of Angels, and each has a special light and energy to share. They are all unique, but powerfully the same in Divine Essence. In Angelology, Angels are categorized according to their energy and the areas they govern. These areas begin with the individual and extend all the way out into the universe. Angels are messengers from God. There is an unlimited supply of Angels, just like our creator is unlimited and without boundaries. The important truth each and every one of us has to remember is that whatever the need, regardless of whether it derives from us as individuals or it’s a collective need, there are always Angels offering support, love, and Divine inspiration. They powerfully guide all existence into Divine perfection.

All Angels are beautiful beings of light that have a very fine vibrational frequency.

Their vibration is so high that in the past the majority of individuals have had difficulty connecting to Angel’s existence with their physical senses. Times are changing now. More and more individuals are easily becoming aware of their presence and guidance through their senses. Our world as we know it, the collective consciousness, our awareness, and the spirit world, are going through powerful changes. These changes are being inspired by Divine perfection. The changes are awakening humanity. Each individual is being impacted by them. It is up to each individual to determine how they will respond and allow the awakening process to take place. Free will is our birthright and it is through this free will that we determine the effects the changes will have upon our individual lives. It is important to understand that as we intentionally open up to the awakening that is unfolding, we can more easily create a more intimate relationship with the Angelic realm.

Even if individuals aren’t intentionally open to connecting with their Angels, the Angels are lovingly still connecting with them. They long for us to further invite their love, assistance, and energies into our experience. When we are ready, we can open ourselves up to more readily connect with them. It is then that they can more powerfully manifest miracles and their guidance within all of our existence.

Angels view our world and our lives through a different lens. They see the truth within all experiences and each individual. They maintain and powerfully manipulate our environment, while creating a flow of Divine perfection. Through their unlimited awareness they desire to inspire clarity within all your experiences, by offering you loving and empowering viewpoints and solutions.

Angels help you connect to your spiritual truth, while awakening the spiritual gifts that may lay dormant within you.

When they look at you, they see love, light, and beauty. The insecurities we have created and our perceived imperfections are mere illusions to them. They see your light and Divine Essence, and they want to inspire this same awareness within you. Their presence, words, and light teach us to heal, love, expand, manifest, and connect to unlimited possibilities. No problem, fear, or situation is too big or small for them. Ask for help and miracles, and they will give it all to the light of the Divine, which transmutes all into love and Divine perfection.

Angels are genderless and they allow us to perceive their energy in a way that will resonate best with our individual needs. Communicating with our Angels is a natural process, but due to societal perceptions, there are misconceptions that they want us to eradicate.

Their Divine interactions are not just for the “chosen”, but for all of us to connect to and enjoy.

As we open ourselves up to communicating with our Angels, we expand our capacity to experience transformation and growth, and enhance the connection with our destiny and our true self. As we purposely invite them to help us with our day to day experiences and/or to further expand the Joy in our lives, we are stepping into a powerful cooperation with the Divine. We come to fully understand that we are never alone, and that we are being guided, cared for, and powerfully loved. Through this connection we align to the vibration of love and we become more aware of the state of gratitude.

Be open and truthful with your Angels, and know they will always inspire and guide you in compassion, kindness, and love. Within this compassion, love, and kindness it is important to understand that the Angels will inspire you to connect to your truth and will continually encourage you to view yourself as they view you. They view you as a beautiful spark of the Divine, powerfully made in Its image and splendor; capable of love and inspiration for your conscious self and everyone whom you greet. They desire to remind you that this journey is about connecting with your soul’s intentions, your highest good, and the highest good of all of us collectively.

Angels are beings of light that can materialize. They often do this when they are keeping us safe, needing to share an important message, and/or comforting us through challenging times. They can appear as an animal and/or as a kind stranger. Sometimes they show up to help you cope with challenges, redirect your path, save your life, or to protect you from a heartbreak. When Angels materialize they can come in any size, shape, color, gender, or age. They may appear as a homeless man to one person and a millionaire to another. The common thread within every Angelic encounter is the peace, comfort, and clarity experienced by the individual that is graced by their presence.

Angels appear in human form when most needed. They appear out of the blue and similarly disappear in the blink of an eye.

It is likely that you too have been blessed with such an experience. Did you ever have an encounter with an individual in which you felt something greater was at play? An individual whom offered love, assistance, comfort, and/or guidance unlike anyone else has offered? If your answer is no, it’s okay. Be open and trust that you too will be blessed with such an encounter in Divine timing.

When it comes to connecting with your Angels and the rest of the Angelic realm, they meet us where we are at, without expectations or judgments. There are processes that can better attune our connection. These processes help us elevate our vibration, while helping us release, clear, and heal any energetic blockages that hinder our ability to better understand their messages.

Remember, they are always communicating, but we as individuals need to become more aware.

Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, visit

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