Meditate NOT Medicate

By Howard Peiper

Depression and/or anxiety are potentially life-threatening mood disorders. Depression and anxiety are also known as ‘silent killers’ and their devastating effects have been overlooked for years. Mood disorders affect one in four persons in the United States. As many as two-thirds of people with depression do not realize that they have a treatable illness and do not seek assistance.

For those who do seek treatment and are willing to look for help, most turn to the only treatment they know, namely psychotropic drugs. Many people may not realize it, but using drugs to treat depression or anxiety is only putting a band-aid on the underlying issues which cause them

One of the biggest disadvantages of medication is the side effects we may experience.  Depending on how our body reacts to specific medication, some side effects may include palpitations, dizziness, nausea, etc. We need to think about whether the relief we get from the depression or anxiety symptoms are worth the side effects.

However, the prudent use of medication can help us in the short term and for some people it is essential for long-term quality of life.

Stabilizing our moods can then give us the chance to practice natural techniques to manage our depression/anxiety symptoms.

But remember that medication alone does not solve our symptoms or address the cause of our symptoms. Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice in which we train the mind to induce relaxation or to increase awareness. It is a way that can help us recover from depression and many other emotional pains we may be going through.

When we meditate, we see and experience true answers within ourselves.

Results are generally immediate, though they can be enhanced significantly with the help of an experienced meditation practitioner.

True meditation is not about calming the mind, sitting in silence, and finding peace alone.

It is about observation of the mind and body and can pinpoint exactly where the source of the problem is. Once the source is found and addressed, then problems no longer repeat.  Imagine family and friends no longer riding on the emotional roller coaster? What would life be like for everyone?

I highly recommend a series of meditation CD’s which are used in the Odyssey Sound Room, an Energy Enhancement Environment (EEE) designed to explore the frontiers on the leading edge of consciousness research.  Dynamic Meditation ( produces these CDs to aid us in reaching a meditative state and help us heal.

May you travel the road of life on a journey toward inner peace.

Dr. Howard Peiper, N.D., nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, has written several best-selling books on nutrition and natural health. His blog address is:

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