Angels & Inspirations: Innocence of the Ages

By Emily Rivera Andrews

As I gathered my energy and intentions for the month of April, I felt a gentle nudge beside me.

It was as if the wind itself was sharing love, and the radiance emanating from the day was greeting my arrival to this Divine Appointment.

A rendezvous that would be filled with inspiration from the Angelic realm. I was at a bench by a playground, and accompanied with the warmth of the day were the sounds of laughter as the children gathered after school.

A young boy of about two approached me and waved and, as I admired his beautiful glow and cheerful spirit, I heard the words, “Innocence of the Ages.” I felt my energy and my whole being shift, and it was as if I was witnessing the moment from that child’s perspective and the soul of my being. I instantaneously felt joyful and free. All had beauty, all had love….I felt vibrant and experienced the pulsating energy of everything that surrounded me. All things emanated light and their own unique form of beauty. It was a moment of bliss, ecstatic euphoria, as my whole conscious and unconscious self witness the moment in a limitless state. I was observing the moment at its fullest, I was viewing all that was present as it is seen by the soul.

I feel honored and blessed to share, but please know that in the sharing there is so much limitation, since words cannot fully convey the fullness of the moment and the experience of it all. There is so much that is continually being witnessed by our soul. It derives clarity from a different source, detached from what our superficial senses may perceive and free from the filters that have been created from our experiences. Our soul resides in a state of innocence. All is innocent and in flow. All new and admired unconditionally in its truest form. Innocent because it’s not judged, but instead admired for what it is. Viewed from a pure state of detachment and intellectual perception.

Below I share the words I was best able to connect with in the moment, to describe the experience. I know and trust your soul will connect to its significance, while your mind will perceive what it will be able to comprehend. I hope the words shared will inspire you to spend time in silence and to invite the innocence of your soul to guide you in aligning to the blessings and joys of your existence here and beyond. Know we have all embodied this Age of Innocence while in spirit, in the embryo, and in the initial stages of our lives. Create the circumstances that will encourage you to remember the beauty contained within your soul and the truth within this experience we call life on earth.

Love and blessings….. Enjoy

From the Angels

A place of wonder, with unlimited potentials, ideas, and possibilities. No rules, just love. Jewels of treasures everywhere you seek.

An Age of Innocence…Free of fear, the doubt of circumstances, with clarity in understanding all is understood.

A reality free of perceptions that might be tainted by the ironies of this “world.”

An Age of Innocence…Freedom in existence, part of every breath that makes you whole.

Distinction without afflictions, nor biases in what unfolds.

An Age of Innocence…A recognition of splendor, serenity, and love. A space in which the soul resides at its fullest. Dietary pleasures that are inspired through pure joy.

An Age of innocence…One contained within the fractal of time, with no true beginnings nor endings.

Beauty in the shadows and in the cascading of the lights.

Power and honor within everything in sight. Hues within sounds, colors, and sensations.

A freedom to be, see, and be of knowledge.

An Age of Innocence.. A truth we all embrace—in this life and in the cosmos of all souls.

An Age of Innocence…Being reminded to embrace and celebrate today, tomorrow, and in all the moments to come.

Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, email or visit To order her book Connecting with the Angels visit

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