Coloring Outside the Lines

By Mary Boutieller

The capacity to learn is both an individual journey and accessible to everyone. From birth, we begin to take in information, survey our surroundings, and formulate ideas and truths. We learn from our parents, friends, school and experience. It’s a lifelong journey and one that never ends.

Think about that for a moment…to know that there is always more to learn, if we choose to do so. It’s an idea that is both fascinating and terrifying, if I’m being honest.

Fascinating because the world is our oyster! There is so much to explore. I could learn to speak a new language or play an instrument; I could dive into any topic and spend years learning more about it. The opportunities are endless.

Terrifying, because sometimes I think I won’t measure up. I know many people who make it look easy (even when it isn’t). They seem brave and smart and capable. For me, I tend to start and stop a lot when learning something new. I might tell myself that it’s too hard or I’m just not smart enough. It seems easier to stay in our wheelhouse than to venture out into unknown territory.

Yet I know that’s the ego talking. After all, I don’t have to become a concert pianist to pluck on the keyboard. I don’t have to be a great novelist to write a meaningful article.

I just have to be curious. I have to be vulnerable and open to the possibilities. I have to be willing to make mistakes, and be okay with coloring outside the lines of my neat and tidy life.

Healing, too, is both an individual journey and accessible to everyone. When we give ourselves the love we deserve, we find openings that we didn’t know were there. When we become curious, we find patterns that no longer serve us. When we slow down, we find that we have always been whole.

The beauty of this life experience is that we bring our own unique gifts and perspective to it, and can then share that with others. It doesn’t have to be perfected to be impactful. Who we are evolves each and every day. To know that we are continuously evolving fills me with awe.

Perhaps we could learn and heal and play more like children—a little more carefree and a little less worried about what others might think?

The other day I offered up to a musician friend that maybe one day I’d get up and sing with him. That terrified me a little…doing something like that in front of strangers…and it was thrilling at the same time. I’ll do it one day and, even if I sing off-key, my friend will smile and I will find myself coloring outside the lines.

Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at:

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