Planets and the Global Landscape

By Jo Mooy

A midyear astrology check-in, and how we can best respond to the planetary forces in play.

The midpoint of the year is a good place to review the 2023 astrological predictions from well-regarded practitioners around the world and see how they’re panning out.

The astrologers said 2023 would be “a year of upheavals, of revelations, revolutions, and of awakening to real truths instead of creative lies.” They predicted that “whatever was holding together the old rules and structures or governments would be demolished.” The astrological planets and aspects also indicated there would be “extreme tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, floods and unprecedented heat” that would create unmistakable marks on the planet’s geography and human psyche.

Those predictions are on track at midyear and reveal the chaos that’s evident around the world. A cursory review of the last six months indicates the word “upheaval” that was used by the majority of them barely covers what’s happened. Instead of listing chapter and verse, this is a summary overview.

The astrologers focused on the five outer planets, which have greater influences on global affairs. Those planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and each one takes years to move through the Zodiac. Saturn is the astrological taskmaster of the Zodiac, governing rules, authority, structure, discipline and law. Uranus is the “shock planet” that influences upheavals, rebellions and natural disasters. Pluto is the planet of transformation, of birth and death, creation and destruction.

The findings below come from well-known and well-respected worldwide tracking sources.

Government changes (Saturn): Of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations, 32 percent have new leaders. Some leaders came from the far right, while others were moderate. Government by one-man autocracies are in direct conflict with emerging citizen democracies and those two forces are creating ongoing strife. The changes seen in governments were not only “Third World” but have also occurred in many “stable” western countries.

Revolutions by the People (Saturn & Pluto): Over 400 anti-government protests have erupted worldwide. Twenty-five percent of them lasted more than three months and created significant economic impacts on their countries. Protests, numbering from the thousands to millions, were started because of inequality, food and water shortages, religious control, election fraud, truth vs. falsehoods, politics, disregard for the climate, personal freedoms and governmental corruption. These protests are harbingers of the coming Aquarian generational changes.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, floods (Uranus, Saturn, Pluto): Seven major earthquakes (6.5 to 7.8) have struck so far in Turkey, Indonesia and Afghanistan with high death rates. Record-setting heat waves and drought began much earlier than normal in countries around the world and are continuing to intensify. Unprecedented flooding or extreme heat is affecting food crops in the world’s growing regions. The magnetic North Pole moved 15 miles eastward in the last six months with scientists trying to understand the impacts. Fierce solar flares are casting rare aurora borealis sightings far down into the southern United States and the Mediterranean. The flares reach Earth in 8 minutes. If your moods go wonky and out of sorts, or you feel exhilarated or energized, monitor the sun flares as these extreme photonic bursts of energy can cause that.

Taking Stock

With that as a backdrop, what do we do? An attentive gardener knows when it’s time to prune trees or plants that have grown out of control. Sometimes the tree branches have to be cut back because the withered parts no longer flower or thrive. But, once they’re pruned, it’s amazing how quickly the branches re-bud and put out bright green shoots again. Each individual must take stock of their personal space and decide what needs pruning back or eliminated so that new ideas and behaviors can blossom in their metaphorical gardens.

It’s very important to remember that every bit of the chaos we’re seeing is necessary. Without these disruptions planetary and human evolution stagnates. We chose to come to Earth at this point in time knowing we’d be called upon to hold space and maintain balance during the upheavals. There are things we can do that don’t require too much effort. Stay calm and exercise personal discretion whenever there’s a mob reaction to a news event. It’s awfully seductive to jump on the bandwagon with everyone. But unless you’re personally affected, it’s a better course of action to ignore whatever it is and move on with what you do best. Work with whatever brings you a sense of joy or peace as that vibration is much more uplifting and positively energizing than the chaos around you.

Just like a house has doors and windows, you also have entryways that open into your energy fields. Unwanted or unnecessary things can come in to them, so be very careful who or what you let in. Unless the persons or things or the events uplift your spirit, don’t let them in to disrupt your peaceful state or upend the values that you hold dear. Calmly hold your own counsel, and stay true to yourself and your ideals. Prune your own garden so what you’ve planted will continue to thrive. From that place and space we’re much more effective in doing the work we’ve agreed to take on.

Every morning when you awake, say a prayer of gratitude for those things in your life that are pleasant and meaningful. End each prayer with the expectation that the universe will deliver to you a most benevolent outcome. The prayer of gratitude and benevolence works and triggers a cascading magnetic attraction for more goodness to come your way.

Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to or email

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