Paw Prints on Our Soul

By Kumari

Can Animals Raise Our Consciousness?

At a holistic health expo in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, a few years ago I was serving on an intuitive panel discussion with some very well-known psychics. A woman in the audience asked, “Do people ever come back (reincarnate) as animals?” There was a long pause as panel members politely waited for each other to respond. Before I could even think, the answer came flowing out with such clarity it surprised even me:

“Consciousness has no limits.”

I have worked with thousands of animals as an energy healer and animal communicator. This energetic and telepathic connection is so much more than finding out what our animals like and dislike, or even what they are thinking and feeling. While this information is very cool and extremely useful in making our lives together with pets more enjoyable and assisting in our roles as compassionate caregivers, it is just the beginning of the remarkable rewards such interactions can bestow.

In a similar vein, Animal Reiki treatments (Reiki is a form of energy medicine meaning “universal life force” that balances mind, body, and spirit of people and animals) offer so much more than stress and pain relief. These treatments also frequently create more harmony and balance and result in better performance. It’s truly amazing!

One of my clients believes that animal communicators are on the forefront of the “Consciousness Movement.” This is perhaps because Animal Reiki and communication are both explorations into expanding our consciousness into the mind-blowing awareness that we are truly One on the deepest level of creation.

Our very molecules vibrate with the same pulse of Life, and a vast Love is the glue that connects us.

Over the years of practicing meditation, energy healing, and animal communication I have heard some spiritual teachers declare that animals are lower on the evolutionary scale than humans, and therefore humans never reincarnated as animals, as that would be a demotion. As a young child in Catholic schools, I was taught that man had dominion over the animals because they were lesser beings—and even that they had no Soul and therefore couldn’t go to “heaven.”

For me, this is not about accepting someone else’s belief about such things as reincarnation. I did not grow up having a belief either way, though my Catholic religion said there was no such thing. I do, however, put much stock in my own experience, and the evidence was mounting up as I began to interview many souls in both human and animal “clothing.”

I have had too many personal experiences with animals to believe any limits apply. Like staring into the eyes of a cougar who lives fully aware of his Egyptian roots, shares intimate details of our past lives together, and takes my students into higher dimensional planes of existence—even counseling them on the next big leap of courage they need to take in their careers.

Or healing a horse who stopped jumping because she was so disillusioned with how some humans had treated her. After several sessions, she came over sweetly and greeted each student in my class individually. The mare gazed into my eyes with such a fierce love and powerful energy—no less than some famous spiritual masters I studied with—that everyone’s heart chakra burst open, spilling over with a bliss so powerful that the waves nearly knocked me over.

Need more proof? One day my dog was seriously resisting a nail trim and was on the verge of panicking so, instead of forcing her, I challenged her Higher Self with the task of making her nails shorter on her own. I demanded: “Whoever you are in this doggy body, if you don’t want your nails trimmed, then manifest shorter nails yourself!” For the next 8 years, with only about three reminders, she would shape-shift her nails perfectly short overnight while sleeping in our bed! If I didn’t have witnesses, even I would doubt it happened this miraculous way!

As we delve deeper into our exploration of animal consciousness, the enormity of the concept of the interconnectedness with all life, and the seemingly unattainable possibility of experiencing the holy grail of spiritual seekers—the vastness of Oneness or Unity Consciousness—gains a foothold in our Being, and it leaves an indelible paw print on our Soul.

This higher consciousness exploration with animals breaks open the limits of the mind, opens the heart to the highest possible level of unconditional love and acceptance, and intensifies all of the ordinary and extraordinary senses. It can become a Soul-to-Soul connection that changes us forever. It becomes impossible to see the world with the same eyes. The feeling of separation, of “us and them,” dissolves and we begin to feel a part of a much larger web.

Kumari is an internationally acclaimed intuitive coach, master healer, best-selling author, spiritual evolutionary, and animal mystic. Her deepest joy is empowering others to unwrap their innate intuitive, manifesting, and healing gifts. Kumari hosted “Co-Creation Activations” radio show on World Puja Network and the Internet TV program “How to Heal Anything Live.” She is coauthor of the bestselling book Empowering Transformations for Womenand just released her new eBook Animal Communication Magic & Miracles: 13 Keys to Deepen Your Bond with Your Pets, Improve Health & Change Behavior Immediately.Kumari is a catalyst for spiritual evolution. Through energy alchemy and unveiling the human/animal spiritual interconnectedness, she has helped thousands around the globe experience bliss, our true divinity and Oneness. For more information visit


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