Tired of Shrinking? Get in the Power Seat and Thrive

By Sarah Sparks

Are you tired of not doing what you desire? Are you tired of listening to everyone else’s advice on how you should or shouldn’t live your life? Are you fed up with other people squashing your dreams?

You know there is more to life. You know what you desire. Yet, you don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings by doing what you know is best. I get it. I have been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt! There comes a time, a turning point, when you realize enough is enough. You are tired of shrinking your dreams. You are tired of playing it safe and small. You realize it is time you are in the power seat of your life and it is time to THRIVE. The only question remaining is how, right? Isn’t it always the “how” that stumps us? Well loves, today’s your luck day. I am sharing with you how to THRIVE.

I outlined how to THRIVE in the following paragraphs in a simple, easy way so you can remember each guiding step. Each letter in THRIVE represents the steps you take to enable your life and dreams to grow, blossom, and shine bright for the world to see. Here it is:


Trust yourself. Trust yourself with all your might. You are capable of conquering your fears. You are brave and powerful beyond measure. Trust yourself in the simplest of things you choose to do. Start small by following through with what you said you would do when you said you would do it. If you told your sister you were going to call her tonight. Call her tonight. If you feel you don’t have time to chat with her or something else came up, call her anyway because you said you would. Simply following through with what you said you would do when you said you would do it because this action will build trust within yourself.


Be honest with yourself. It is easy to believe what other people have told us our entire life because we feel what they share with us is the truth. If we were honest with ourselves, we would realize 98 percent of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are not our own. If we were honest with ourselves we would realize we want more. We deserve more. We want to stand up for ourselves. We want to shout from the roof top just how beautiful we really are…but we are afraid of what other people will do and say, so we stop ourselves. Be honest with yourself. You’re more loved than you know.


Respect yourself. Each time you don’t do what you know is right for you, you tell yourself that you don’t respect yourself enough to follow through with what you want. It can be as simple as watching the TV program you want to watch. It could be going for a walk when no one else in your household wants to go. Or maybe you choose to go to the pool, sit alone, and read a book when you have been afraid to do anything alone your whole life. These are just examples of how you can prove to yourself you respect yourself.

I—Intentional Conversations

Have intentional conversations with others. Don’t just talk to hear yourself talk. Don’t text or read a book at the dinner table or when you are with another person. Be purposeful with your conversations. When you have intentional conversations, you set the expectations and tone of the conversations, allowing the other people to trust you and reciprocate the action. Intentional conversations eliminate assumptions being made on your behalf and others’. They can be loving, yet direct and to the point. You set the tone and purpose of your conversation. A lot less heartache will occur when you have intentional conversations!


Value yourself. Appreciate yourself. Be grateful for all the positive attributes you possess and share with others around you. For instance, in the morning before my feet hit the floor, I simply state: “Thank you.” I am saying thank you to me, to the home I am in, the people around me, to the Universe, to God, to all wonderful experiences coming into my life. By simply valuing myself, this very moment of wakefulness enables me to set the tone of the day and live a more intentional life. The more you appreciate yourself, the more others will appreciate you. The more you value yourself, the more others will value you.


Empower yourself. Step outside of your comfort zone. Shake off the fear of what others will think of you. Their emotions and reactions are of no relevance to your existence. So who cares if you haven’t worked out in years? Do it for you! It will be empowering. Who cares if you haven’t gone to the movies alone? Do it for you! It will be empowering. Who cares if you haven’t ever been without a significant other? Do it for you! It will be empowering. Who cares if you haven’t ever traveled to Vietnam? Do it for you! It will be empowering. Whatever you choose to do, GET in the power seat of your life! Trust me. IT IS EMPOWERING!!

I am here for you. If you are tired shrinking and listening to everyone else’s advice on how you should or shouldn’t live your life? Then let’s talk. Send me an email. I am here for you. Here’s to your greatness!


Sarah A. Sparks, MPA, is the speaker and relationship mentor for Create The Spark, LLC. Sarah has her BA in Human Resource Management, a certificate in Training: Design and Development from the University of Northern Iowa, as well as a MPA from Drake University. Sarah worked as a leader for two local governments in Iowa from 2004-2010, in the capacity of an Operations Transit Supervisor and Safety Coordinator, and as a Parks and Recreation Director. While serving these communities, Sarah mentored and trained numerous employees. Through this experience, she discovered the belief in one’s self is what limits someone from creating the life she desires. From that point onward, Sarah made it her mission to guide those who want to be mentored to create the life they desire by having the confidence and trust in themselves to make the right decision and say what they need to say, with love! Email Sarah at createthespark@gmail.com or visit www.createthespark.org.


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