Eternal Evolution: A Note from Your Higher Self

By Emily Rivera

I am YOU, and you are within ME. I am an essence of God/Source/Creator—a beacon of magnificent beauty and Divine recognition. The YOU that is in ME is in harmony and complete—available to make progressions that remain within the soul. The You that [senses it] is apart from me has been lied to, creating a sense of illusion at its best; the idea of scarcity and fear is not fully understood nor recognized by the YOU that is in ME.

There is a sense of bewilderment overtaking mankind through these changes. Yet, these transitions are offering hope and renewal, opening to a world of possibilities—one that restructures the mind into creating further potentials that are cascading into different realities. It enables the whole to shift into new beginnings that restore the palate for each creator in physical form. (Creator being every person.) This is a time of excitement and rapid learning. Through this and in this, different energies are taking form in this reality. Multiple realities are subsiding into parallels that contain a more harmonic rhythm. They awaken the soul’s infinite truth and potential of itself. The paradigm of man is shifting.

The paradigm that has been “You outside of ME” is recreating itself in ways that enable the true YOU within ME to BE.

Structures that once permeated cultures and belief systems are coming to rest. They will lie dormant in ways that will enable the individuated and the collective self to elevate into a SELF of light and more congruent beauty. There will be sustainability in resonance of Love. The current and past principles that sustained the sense of security are no longer maintaining themselves within the evolving man. There is an eternal evolution for us all, one not limited to this reality. It’s one that must be and will be for the continuation of civilization and its existence.

The mind in this initiation will quickly move to a place of fear, due to the constructs that have shaped You and all humanity. But the message I, the true You, share today and will continue to share is of an amazing realization that YOU have always been complete; the involvement of other truths that fall short of this understanding are the true illusions. These outdated systems of truths have been implemented by proclaimed leaders outside of you, and embraced through generations that have been subjected to the governing rules. They have been ideals, perceptions, and truths that were based on a construct of control and self-deprivation. The changes that are taking hold involve a realization of the true self, one of full alignment. The fears that once offered false comfort, fears of chaos through the transitions, will be temporary stages and states for all involved during this time of evolution.

No longer will freedom emanate the same tune. No longer will freedom carry notions of fear and doubt. True Freedom is eminent. The idea of the self, the You is changing. No longer will it hold the same structures it has maintained itself in. Innocence is awakening into itself. The You that has been guiding the life you have been living is awakening into the YOU that has been ME.

You, ME: WE are aspects of the Divine.

We are all connected to the creator of all creators, the Universal power and source of all that is. There is an inherent wisdom and harmony that pulses within your veins, within all your being. Embrace it, allow it to be. Be not one of fear and of darkness. Refrain from denying the self the inherent truths that are palpably sustaining this reality in love and giving it sustenance beyond the form. Ye are light, in truth and in form.

Much love resides within, along with harmony and peace. Celebrate it, claim it, and embrace its fullness.


Emily Rivera is a national speaker, consultant, and spiritual counselor who lectures on the power of eternal consciousness, energy, and serves as a channel for the Ascended Lights. Her popular events and readings offer insights and guidance to people all over the world. Her unique, multidimensional approach is truly empowering and brings forth exceptional clarity, healing, and inspiration for enhanced personal awareness and achievement. Emily knows we can change both our personal destiny, and that of human existence, when we awaken to our soul’s potential. By applying her techniques for making direct connections with innate wisdom, many report being propelled into a powerful paradigm shift. Visit

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