The Galaxy Within: Unleash Your Creative Potential

By Emily Rivera Andrews


“The unlimited Creative Principle within you is the source of all art and wisdom. Awaken initiative, which is the creative faculty within you—a spark from the divine Creator. With unflinching steadiness go forward on your path, knowing that the Infinite Power sustains you.”—Paramahansa Yogananda

There is an inherent spark of magic within each of us. A spark of Divine Magic fueled by love and the light of creation itself. Unfiltered hearts of passion, aligned and in harmony with this space, can put into motion a vastness of possibilities that have not yet been conceived by the majority of minds. It is a truth that resides within self and all things in physical form. Even a chair, within its atoms and molecules, recognizes the electric impulses that enable its form.

We as individuals are of that same matter, but with access to an expanded consciousness.

This consciousness allows us to manipulate the energy in different ways, with hidden potentials that exude a readiness to form and manifest. To help our minds understand this vastness of possibilities, think of the Universe that reveals itself beyond this earth, and how it is composed of billions of galaxies that fill its immense reality. Each reflecting its own beauty and possibilities. Within each galaxy, a variety of countless stars. Each star, with unique vibrations and reflections of source, creation, and matter. The Universe and the galaxies within its body are in a perpetual state of creation, revelation, and expansion. An inherent calling to Thrive beyond the current state it is in.

We—as individuals, as a collective, as an earth, as a Universe—are Thriving, regardless of what perceptions we hold when defining this concept. “We” use this analogy to offer clarity to your true essence and being. You, yourself are a walking Universe, with countless galaxies of creation, and countless stars of energy that are created from thoughts, intentions, and self-concepts. The stars you choose to give power to, in turn, feed and activate the galactic components of your varying galaxies to create matter into form, including experiences, relationships, opportunities, and more. It is of utmost importance for you to understand that, as the Universe reveals limitlessness, you too contain and reveal the same truth. A walking, living, breathing vastness that contains Divine power, love, and magic.

Your stars (thoughts, intentions, self-concepts) create the realities within your galaxies, which then give form to the Universe that is you.

It is up to you, through intention and choice, to determine what vibrations will comprise your stars. If your thoughts, intentions, and self-concepts are congruent with the Soul’s clarity and truth, you will witness the flow in your reality. When in misalignment, your reality will reflect the need for conscious and proactive change.

That being shared, “we” encourage you to perceive these galaxies as intricate portals of harmony, each in its own way unique and characterized by emotions that reveal facets of joy, love, fear, sadness, doubt, euphoria, and more… You may ask, “Why harmony, if it contains strands of emotions (fear, sadness) that would be perceived by most as heavy and negating to one’s worth?” Well in truth, all is ultimately in a state of harmony. The energy of Source/God/Creator is unbiased to it all. It just knows itself to be love and in harmony, regardless of perceived polarities. Those who chose to activate and reveal the potentials within the galaxies that are brewed in “negative emotions” are still encased in the truth of love itself. In the creator/source that is inherent within all. Making each expression and experience in some way an aspect of harmony.

There is a continual state of rebalancing that unfolds within this realm and countless other Universes. As people choose a path of clarity and alignment to the truth of the self, they enable the Thriving to flow in a more graceful way, and through experiences of change they become available to more experiences of joy and flow. In turn, if they choose to align to fear, doubt, and insecurities, they will Thrive through what most identify as slow and heavy experiences of change that instigate uncomfortable emotions. Regardless, each choice creates windows to experience an elevation to limitless potentials. Understanding that all returns and reunites with the stream of consciousness that sees no duality and reveals no understanding or knowledge of judgment.

“We” trust you will choose to actualize a reality that reflects this harmony through the energies of love, joy, freedom, and grace. That the stars you create within yourself enable the galaxies within you to liberate the Universe that is YOU to limitless potentials.


Emily Rivera is a national speaker, consultant, and spiritual counselor who lectures on the power of eternal consciousness, energy, and serves as a channel for the Ascended Lights. Her popular events and readings offer insights and guidance to people all over the world. Her unique, multidimensional approach is truly empowering and brings forth exceptional clarity, healing, and inspiration for enhanced personal awareness and achievement. Emily knows we can change both our personal destiny, and that of human existence, when we awaken to our soul’s potential. By applying her techniques for making direct connections with innate wisdom, many report being propelled into a powerful paradigm shift. Visit

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