Authenticity: Being Your True Self

By Jim Toole

Authenticity is choosing to express your truth with integrity.

It is not an idea, concept, or thought. It is living based on what is real and right to you. It is being true to your Self and therefore being genuine in the world. Being authentic requires knowing your inner personal truth, the ideals and beliefs that shape your life, and your perception of the world around you.

Authenticity is not influenced by the circumstances or conditions of your life.

An authentic expression is the reflection of your inner truth out into the world, therefore influencing those circumstances and conditions. Being you, holding nothing back, allows for all of who you are to show up and make the differences you seek in your life. Life doesn’t make you; you make life what it is.

Your authentic truth is found in the stillness and silence within, free from the effects of the world around you and even your own perceptions of it. It is yours and yours alone, unaffected by your past, current circumstances, or your longings for your future. It is your belief about your Self, right here, right now.

I Can Do It Conference Hay HouseIt is your understanding of your Self. It is “under” what you “stand” for, and therefore the very foundation of who you are. Your understanding of the world begins with truly knowing your Self. The expression of what you know to be true for you originates from your core beliefs.

Being authentic does not mean meeting the expectations of those around you, the circumstances or situations you are involved in, or the world as you know it.

Being authentic is recognizing, accepting, establishing, and being what you know to be true and real at the very core of your heart and soul. In order to truly be authentic you must choose to live inside out.

As a result, authenticity requires no external action or expression. However, because most of us live in the “real world,” not isolated from it, we still must bring who we know we are within into our lives and the world. As you offer who you are from your authentic truth, all of your endeavors and interactions will be filled with your true essence and will be experienced by others to the degree that you are true to your integrity.

Integrity is the balanced union of your truth and your expression. Authenticity is the balanced expression of your integrity.

Being authentic is natural and effortless. It requires no effort because it is the open expression of your Truth with a capital T. There is no how or why in being authentic. There is no right way to do it, only being you just as you are. There is no why because it is not about a reason; it is beyond the mind. It is being you without thinking.

Practical Advice

A good way to begin getting in touch with what is True for you is to stop, look, and listen. Stopping means taking a step back from everything in your life enough to truly be alone with your Self. Let go of what is or isn’t happening, what needs to be done, or where you think you need to be, and become still.

The “looking” I’m speaking about is done with your eyes closed. To “see” your truth does not require the physical eyes; it requires your insight. After stopping and becoming still, begin to look within at your heart’s true desires and your deepest personal longings. Look beyond what you “want” and get in touch with what really matters to you.

Listen for the whispers that are always occurring within you, which are usually drowned out by everything going on around you. Let your thoughts and even your feelings quiet. Listen to the dreams and wishes you have put away because of “the way life is.” Listen carefully because no one else can tell you what your Truth is.

In order to make this process seem more practical and tangible, it is good to write some of it down. A simple idea to make it more specific is to pick five words that you feel best describe you and make note of them. If you want to see what the world thinks of you, choose someone you trust and ask that person for the five words he or she believes best describe you. This will help you get a different view of you. You can also work with each word, one at a time, to get to know your Self better.

As you begin to recognize your own personal, intimate, and vulnerable truth, embrace it as yours and hold it close. As you feel yourself begin to claim it, let it embrace you. Surrender to it, and allow its influence to touch upon every aspect of you. Be with this truth in whatever way necessary to allow for it to penetrate into your thought process, your feeling nature, and your decision making. This will begin to establish your truth as your belief system about your Self.

As you begin to look out into the world from this renewed sense of Self, it will look and feel very different. As you begin to step out into your life being your Truth, everything you encounter, your activities, and your interactions will be changed by your new way of being. By continuing to live in this manner, your experience within your life, and your relationship with the world will be authentic.

By being true to your Self, living with integrity and Authenticity, you are Being Your True Self.

Jim Toole is an inspirational speaker, personal and spiritual development counselor, workshop facilitator, meditation leader, teacher and holistic healer. He has devoted over 35 years to working with people in their exploration and discovery of their own truth, purpose and pathway in life. His intuitive guidance, meditations, energetic healing, writing, public speaking, and workshops have assisted and supported many in their healing, transformation, and personal and spiritual growth. His extensive training, certifications and experience feeds his dedication to bringing inspiration, wellness, peace, joy, harmony, balance, and understanding to others through Radiance of Sarasota, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit inspiration and wellness center that he founded and is currently the Director of. Visit

This article is an excerpt from the book Transform Your Life! Expert Advice, Practical Tools, and Personal Stories, written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at,,, and all ebook formats.


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