Commit to Change

By Elizabeth Egan

Sometimes, spiritual insight comes after long hours of contemplation and meditation. Other times, it just hits us straight on.

I have had both experiences, but the latter happened to me recently. I am an over analyzer by nature. When it comes to life, I tend to walk around a situation for days, months and, yes, even years being careful to consider every possible angle and facet before finally coming to a decision. Often, I look for signs regarding which path to choose. Sometimes, the signs come quickly and clearly, other times they do not. There are moments when I feel paralyzed, not knowing which way to turn, trying my best to read the language of the Universe, hoping I am interpreting it correctly.

One evening, I was thinking about the many requests and prayers for guidance I have sent out to Heaven and how some areas of my life seem to be “blocked” from receiving guidance, no matter how long or hard I pray. “What do I have to do to get an answer around here?” I demanded aloud. Then, a sudden and quite unexpected reply came out of nowhere and almost knocked me over:

“Liz. Stop leaving so much up to fate, and just make the decision you want to see for you own life! Stop looking for Heaven to give you signs and permission to do the ‘right thing,’ Heaven is waiting on you girl! Commit to your choice, and commit to yourself, because we are all waiting for YOU. We’ve got your back. Your life belongs to YOU. Just take it already!”

Whoa! Okay, NOT what I was expecting. So, of course, I thought about it…and thought about it some more. Then I realized, “You know what, this is absolutely true”! Wow. Talk about a paradigm shift. This was like watching the lenses you view the world through shatter and fall to the ground in slow motion.

Universal Law and Belief

Next, the process of trying to assimilate this new perception started, and I realized this one very essential Universal law: Your beliefs about life will directly determine the life you allow yourself to live. In my way of thinking, I could not give myself permission to go for something unless I felt I first had heaven’s approval. This belief was so deeply ingrained within me; I did not even realize it was there. Once I did, however, I saw how strongly it influenced my decision-making.

I believe the first challenge is to determine what beliefs are lurking in the background of our mind. We may not even be aware of the most critical beliefs that regularly navigate our behaviors. The truth is that we inherit many of our beliefs at a very young age, and many are the result of what someone might have said to us when we were too young to know better. These beliefs may not even belong to us! They might have made perfect sense generations ago, but now, they have become obsolete.

We know that everything is energy, and everything vibrates at its own frequency. Therefore, this must mean thoughts and beliefs are included.

What if a belief that has been handed down to you no longer matches the vibrational frequency of your consciousness? What if you were trained to believe something that does not resonate true to you? What if you have been allowing other people’s outdated beliefs to change the course of your life? What if you have allowed the collective consciousness of our culture to influence how you measure you self-worth? If yes, then it is time to allow such beliefs to gently fall away in place of stronger, more authentic ones.

When we raise the vibration of our beliefs, we raise the vibration of our lives! This, in turn, influences the level of power we have over making our visions manifest.

How do you start a major overhaul such as this? By literally holding a space of stillness and clarity long enough to identify and write down the major beliefs of your life. For example: What do you believe about life? Is it generally benevolent or difficult? What do you believe about the Divine? What do you believe about health and illness? What do you believe about success? What do you believe about love? What do you believe about happiness? What do you believe about humanity? What do you believe about money, abundance, security, and lack? What do you believe about the energy you send out to the world on a daily basis? What do you believe is your life’s mission or purpose?

After writing down your beliefs, sit with them for a while and see how they feel. You will know if the frequency is low or high depending on how you feel when you read your beliefs aloud to yourself. If you feel upbeat and positive, this is an indication they are of high vibration. If you feel discouraged and down, the vibration is low, and those beliefs probably could use attention. Try to rewrite the low-energy beliefs in a positive way. You will know you are successful when you read them aloud and your energy starts to lift. Also, be mindful not to try to trick yourself into believing something that you simply do not. Like most things, beliefs change gently over time. If you deeply want to believe something but you are having a difficult time with it, your mind may be getting in the way. To help with this, build a bridge from your current belief to your future belief by adapting to a belief that falls somewhere in the middle.

After my realization, I have come to understand that I was living my entire life based on a belief that I had to acquiesce to the whims of the Divine. I now see that this belief has at times caused me to possess a tentative and passive attitude toward decision-making.

It seems that the alchemy of turning a dream into a reality lies within that nearly invisible space between the humility to surrender, and the courage to take a flying leap of faith.

The great spiritual teacher and author Caroline Myss tells us that life is all about learning to manage our own power. I have only recently come to understand that this means learning to take responsibility for my life, with conviction and determination toward making dreams a reality! The creative energy behind our passions and our dreams is the same energy that powers the Universe in all its wonder. In the birthing of our deepest truth, we bring forth a unique personal masterpiece within our Universe.

Elizabeth Egan is a 6th grade science teacher, Reiki Master, and spiritual singer-song writer with a passion for learning and teaching about the infinite nature and wisdom of the soul. She has spent her life singing in spiritual settings, and last spring released her first album, INSPIRED, in which most of the songs were self-composed. You are welcome to visit Elizabeth’s blog for inspiration, thoughts, prayers and meditations any time at


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