Angels & Inspirations: The Paradox of Perception

By Emily Andrews

Paradox: a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.

Perception can be the key that leads to a miraculous manifestation in your life—or the virus that single-handedly destroys every component of your reality.

Lives painted on the same blank canvases, with the exact same palates, create entirely different masterpieces.

How can two people within the exact same circumstances view things so differently? To firmly plant ourselves in the first part of this paradox, we need to proactively engage our mind, senses and emotions with internal and external stimulus that assist in the creation of a beautiful life. It involves us actively using our power of choice to create and maintain forward momentum. It requires honest self introspection to identify the unconscious threads of energy and thoughts that are hidden landmines, which ultimately can instigate reactions that are not in our highest calling

“Love yourself enough to be present, love others enough to be true, love the gift of life in a way that you consciously choose to make the best of what you have received and trust that from here the Divine Magic is guaranteed to flow.”—Emily Andrews

On a daily basis, I’m divinely reminded about the paradox of life as a whole. We live in a world full of absurd contradictions. That’s because much of what we perceive is viewed only from the surface; we don’t see things as they truly are in their entirety. It’s not that we are unable to understand the truth within others or experiences. It’s just very challenging for us to view ourselves and the external world through a nonjudgmental lens.

Our personal lenses are neither good nor bad, it’s how we flow perception through them that causes distortions.

Symbolically, this is the world around us witnessed by our soul, but then interpreted by our minds. The energy this process cascades into our daily reality is up to us to guide. We can choose to look through a lens full of rainbows or a lens clouded with shadows of pain, hate and fear. Based on life circumstances and past experiences, situations may seem more challenging to some as compared to others, but it’s still within our own individuated power to choose how we look at life.

Let the Angels Clean Your Lens

As you read this article, know that the Angelic Realm is by your side assisting your personal experience through the message being shared. So before going further, take a moment to notice. Gently close your eyes, take at least five deep breathes, relax, and become aware of your body, your space, and your heart. For the next few minutes let yourself just “be.”The lens: In this moment your perceptions are influencing the way your mind and energy respond to these words, but know that Divine magic is at work. Within this magic, your Angels are creating the energy and the space for you to cleanse your lens through their love. They palpably are raising the vibration of understanding and infusing you with Divine love. As this is done, they are transmuting clouds of fear and negative judgment into more honoring views, which in turn align you to more visions of goodness on your current life journey.

There are now some steps they are encouraging you to follow. You will consciously choose to shift if you feel guided, and from this place identify fears. As you bring these fears up into your awareness engage the breath, and after three breaths visualize yourself releasing fears through the exhale. As this is done, they show me that you will be held in Archangel Michael’s embrace, as the rest of the angelic realms will assist in the release. After the third breath, relax and visualize yourself in peace, joy and celebration as you consciously engage the power of your mind to energetically and emotionally embrace the shower of blessings being given by the Angels. Now be a witness to what is felt and not felt in the silence and the non silence of the moment.

Breathe, just breathe…

Do this for every fear you can consciously identify and once that has been completed, invite any unconscious and/or hidden fears that are within to be released as well.The latter part of this exercise is as important as the first part, and at times even more so. The past and the reality that propelled us into the current moment contain threads of unconscious energy that can and does influence our perceptions and our ways of being. Even our past intentions are on some level propelling their energy into our current manifestations and reality. It’s easier to change, reactivate and heal the things we can identify, but realigning the unconscious influences requires sincere dedication. Proactively creating the space for introspective healing and knowledge empowers us to better create and connect to the experiences, people and circumstances that are aligned with the highest good available.

Another form of release and lens cleaning the Angels share involves engaging your dream state. As you go to bed invite God/Source/ Divine/Creator to help you release and clear any conscious and/or unconscious energies, thoughts emotions and behaviors in the area of________.

Fill in the blank with the area of your life you would like to experience healing and clearing. These include, but aren’t limited to: health, relationships, love, finances, freedom, etc.Invite one area of your life per night. It is not encouraged to do multiple things in one night. It’s about guiding the energy fully to one area of your life, so that more energy can graciously flow within it.You may notice dreams that play out and/or portray some of the conscious and/or unconscious fears as they are released from your energy and psyche.

Some individuals may experience a restless night from the energetic work. (It’s worth it, since you’ll notice the energy lift within the next few days.)Some people experience positive visions into future, or witness with their senses their Angels and other manifestations of the Divine.

As we individually make ourselves available to more honoring thoughts, emotions, energies, and perceptions, we more palpably allow love into our lives. This, in turn, helps us reciprocate the love emanating from our core. In this process, we don’t just empower our beautiful Self, but impact and enlighten the collective and our world.

May love and beauty be what colors your lens today and every day, and may the Divine Magic of God’s love remind you of the magnificence that is you in every way possible.

Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, email or visit To order her book Connecting with the Angels visit

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