Inside the World of Nature Spirits

By Rev. Spencer Rouse

We often forget that we are beings of spirit who can develop a connection with the vast unseen world.

There is an infinite cosmos composed of many levels or divisions of consciousness. Indeed, there is so much more out there than our physical bodies alone can perceive—if we only open ourselves up to the true essence of these realms, which span from the simplest natural elements of our planet to the loftiest domains of the angels and beyond.

For instance, the spiritual being in each of us can integrate with angelic beings who, in turn, can help us gain access to higher dimensions of consciousness and very subtle realms of non-physical existence. At the same time, we can also turn our attention downward to earthly matters. The world of the elements, the animal kingdom, and the plant and mineral domains are the living forms of nature spirits. They exist in a spiritual arena that is lower in consciousness or vibration than that of humans, but this doesn’t mean that they are any less important than the “higher beings” when it comes to serving as spiritual guides and teachers in our world. There are nature spirits of earth and water; air and metal; fire; plants and all other growing things, as well as those associated with animals.

All nature spirits have a specific task in the cycle of life.

Just as we can divide the physical world into minerals, plants, animals, and people that we experience with our physical senses, we can separate the corresponding spiritual world into specific beings and forces. We experience the spiritual world through colors, sounds, warmth and cold, and other types of sense impressions.

The Human Intermediary
As humans, we provide an intermediary between these beings of nature and the astral and angelic realms. Our cosmic task is to unite both the lower and higher realms within ourselves, thereby connecting nature and spirit. Just as the angels act as spiritual mediators for us, humans act as spiritual mediators for the nature kingdoms. We can fulfill our mission with the nature kingdoms as we develop a significant spiritual relationship to Mother Earth and the spirits and elementals that serve her.

Different Mission, Different Name
“Nature spirits” with different missions have different titles. They refer to the entire range of life forms who work within the realm of nature. Another term for them is Elementals. Nature spirits or nature intelligences do not have to inhabit a specific form. They may be energy, showing as flashes, orbs or movement, but they are conscious beings. Their particular role in the cycle of nature helps define how they appear. For instance, plants that are going through a stage of metamorphosis are tended by nature spirits that can shape shift.

Gnomes can look very much like the yard figurines we see on people’s lawns. They work hard, doing manual labor in the earth or to help humans or animals in distress, and they can demonstrate various temperaments, much like the Seven Dwarfs of Walt Disney fame. They live under the leaves of plants, in groves of trees, or generally somewhere close to earth, where they can be easily concealed.

A fairy is a nature worker with specific rocks, trees, or plants, and they are sometimes mischievous. They have personalities, feelings, and bodies. They remind us to lighten up, sing, dance, and be joyful. Look for them wherever there is a drop of water or a mist, but they can be found most anywhere outdoors.

Devas act as supervisors in charge of fairies. They are more serious. There is a hierarchy of devas. The deva in charge of a specific area is task-oriented and can have creative solutions for problems within her locale. The deva can chastise errant fairies and be chastised herself by Mother Nature for failure to protect and enrich an area of responsibility. There are other elementals that can be found tending gardens and in natural, unspoiled settings.

Use your imagination to open the door to their world! Look for nature spirits or elementals wherever you find beautiful formations and fantastic scenery.

See if you can find them in the knot of a tree, or a misshapen branch. Check out clumps of earth or groups of foliage. If you dig around, you might just sense that nature spirits are rising up out of the ground, growing larger, although large is relative—they tend to be tiny.

Look closely and still your mind until your advanced occult senses take over.

The Spirit of Nature
To experience the essence of the spirit of nature, try these simple exercises. Sit outside on a clear day and stare at the blue sky intently. Stay that way until the blue disappears and feeling takes over. Our souls will experience this in the form of a mood. It is a definite feeling and a definite perception fills the space that the blue once inhabited. The feeling is devout in nature; pious. Now turn your attention to the vibrant green leaves of plants or a stretch of lush grass. Again, stare at it until the green disappears. What will eventually replace the green is an understanding of creativity at a soul level. Experiment with the color of flowers, the movement of a lake or pond, or even the chirping of a bird. Allow yourself to go beyond the physical sight or hearing to the feeling each invokes. Try doing the same with a fine mist of water or fog to experience the nature spirits of water. View plants at varying stages of growth from budding to flowering to decaying. You will sense different nature spirits at work with each stage of the life cycle of the plants.

Another time you might choose to go deep into a cavern or mine. Feel the warmth, the changes, but condition yourself not to allow yourself to hear or see on a physical level. Still your mind to absorb what is going on around you. Soon, your occult senses will take over, and you will sense the nature energies that dwell within and around the earth, rocks, and metal.

When we feel nature and nature spirits at a deep level we enrich the soul as we tune into the colors and sounds of nature. Many of these beings have a personality; however, it is important to respect and appreciate them. There are many tales from different countries of positive and negative encounters with the Fairy world, so respect and be mindful, positive intentions are recommended!

When we attune to the elemental beings, we experience a unity of purpose that assists all conscious beings in fulfilling their roles within the grand cosmic cycle.

Enjoy the journey!

Rev. Spencer Rouse has been a psychic medium, teacher, counselor, writer, and healer for more than 25 years. She recently completed her Level 1 and 2 studies of Acoustic Sound, Color, and Body Movement with Fabien Maman (Father of Vibrational Sound Therapy) at the Tama-do Academy in Malibu and Switzerland. Spencer currently is teaching “Soul to Soul” classes which focus on how to tune into the true self through the tools of sound, color, and ancient teachings. For more information visit, email or call 941-706-1005.

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