Finding Work-Life Balance

10 reasons why life coaches need to understand the power of job crafting.

By Marla J. Albertie

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, individuals are seeking more than just a job; they yearn for purpose, fulfillment and a sense of control over their professional lives. As a life coach, it is essential to recognize the transformative potential of job crafting.

Job crafting empowers individuals to reshape and redefine their roles, leading to increased satisfaction, engagement and overall well-being1.

There are three types of job crafting:

  1. Task-oriented job crafting, also originally known as physical boundaries, refers to an individual changing the number of job tasks, activities, scope and/or form.
  2. Relational job crafting refers to whom the employee associates with for their job tasks.
  3. Cognitive job crafting refers to how an employee views their job tasks. 1

Based on my own research, let’s explore 10 compelling reasons why life coaches should understand and embrace the power of job crafting.

1. Enhancing Job Satisfaction:
Job crafting allows individuals to align their tasks, responsibilities and relationships with their strengths and passions. By helping clients identify and modify aspects of their work that are less fulfilling, life coaches can guide them toward greater job satisfaction.
2. Boosting Engagement:
Engaged employees are more likely to invest their energy and efforts into their work. Through job crafting, life coaches can assist clients in finding meaning and purpose in their roles, resulting in heightened engagement and a deeper connection to their work.
3. Promoting Workplace Autonomy:
Job crafting empowers individuals to take control of their work and make it more aligned with their needs and values. By understanding the power of job crafting, life coaches can guide clients in creating opportunities for autonomy, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment. Workplace autonomy is also a job resource needed for job satisfaction according to the Job Demands Resources Theory (JD-R).2
4. Nurturing Creativity and Innovation:
When individuals have the freedom/autonomy to shape their roles, they often discover new ways to approach tasks and challenges. Life coaches can encourage clients to explore innovative solutions, fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.
5. Building Resilience:
Job crafting enables individuals to proactively adapt and respond to changes in their work environments. By assisting clients in identifying areas within their roles that they can modify during times of change, life coaches help cultivate resilience and the ability to navigate uncertainty.
6. Cultivating Work-Life Integration/Harmony (WLI/H):
In today’s fast-paced world, achieving work-life balance does not exist. However, through job crafting, individuals can tailor their work to integrate and harmonize better with their personal lives. Life coaches can guide clients in finding harmony, enabling them to thrive both professionally and personally.
7. Developing Growth Mindset:
Job crafting encourages individuals to adopt a growth mindset, embracing challenges and seeking opportunities for learning and development. By supporting clients in exploring new tasks and expanding their skill sets, life coaches foster a mindset that promotes continuous growth and development.
8. Increasing Well-being:
When individuals can shape their work according to their preferences, it positively impacts their overall well-being. Life coaches can help clients identify and modify aspects of their jobs that contribute to stress or dissatisfaction, fostering a healthier work environment.
9. Fostering Authenticity:
Job crafting allows individuals to bring their authentic selves to work, aligning their values and strengths with their roles. Life coaches can assist clients in understanding their core values and integrating them into their work, fostering authenticity and a sense of congruence.
10. Inspiring Career Ownership:
By understanding the power of job crafting, life coaches empower clients to take ownership of their careers. Through this process, individuals become active participants in shaping their professional paths, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.

As life coaches, embracing the power of job crafting is crucial to effectively guide clients toward fulfilling and meaningful work experiences. By understanding the transformative potential of job crafting, life coaches can empower individuals to take control of their professional lives, leading to enhanced satisfaction, engagement and overall well-being. Job crafting is a powerful tool that allows individuals to shape their work to align with their unique strengths, passions, and values. By harnessing this power, life coaches can help clients unlock their true potential and create a career that brings them joy and fulfillment.


1Wrzesniewski, A., & Dutton, J. E. (2001). Crafting a job: Revisioning employees as active

crafters of their work. Academy of Management Review26(2), 179–201.

2Demerouti, E. (2014). Design your own job through job crafting. European Psychologist, 19(4), 237–247.

Marla J. Albertie is the founder Truth Speaks Group, LLC, a multi-media coaching company dedicated to creating solutions for integrating work and life to create harmony. Marla loves to read, is a concert and comedy show junkie and a cruiser for life. Follow Marla on Twitter @tspeakscoaching and IG @Tspeaksgroup. Sign up for the Truth Speaks Group LLC Newsletter at

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