Rising Star Coach April 2023: Nasheer Mohammad

Rising Star

Nasheer Mohammad, Gujarat, India

Transformation Life Coach

Believe and achieve

When I was 15 years old, I had health issues, and, unknowingly, I self-sabotaged. I fought with negative thoughts daily for couple of years. With limiting beliefs, I completed my studies and started a job. Then I realized what I lost in life. I learned how to master the inner voice and made it obedient to what I want. To become the best version of myself, I broke the patterns, unlearned and relearned. I invested in myself and became a Transformation Coach. I am helping people to become the best version of themselves.

What is your niche (coaching focus) and how did you choose it?

I am a Transformation Coach. Being a good listener helps me to give attention to the pain points of clients, understand them deeply, and guide them to make decisions to overcome limiting beliefs and break patterns to live the best life possible. I have seen many people who self-sabotage, pull themselves back and self-condemn due to the gap between goals and reality. I know the obstacles they face in life and how to overcome them. I figured out how to do this and live an abundant life with inner freedom through consciousness.

Who is your ideal client?

People between the ages of 25 and 40 who are willing to change, who are looking to listen to their pain points so I can guide them to overcome limiting beliefs and break unhealthy patterns. I have clients who are committed to taking action to become what they want and clients who want to break patterns and live an abundant life. I have clients with excellent professional careers, but low self-esteem and others with limiting beliefs.

What inspired you to become a life coach?

My father inspired me to become a Transformation Life Coach. I grew up seeing my father help people to grow into a better life in the community. From my childhood, I have been inculcated to help people.

How long have you been coaching?

I have coached for a long time, but professional Coaching for one year. I rediscovered myself under layers of judgment, doubt and fear.

How did you get your first client?

I interacted with people in the community offline and online and gave empowering feedback from the heart. A client asked me, “Can you help me to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve more in life?”

How has your coaching journey changed your life?

As part of my journey, I coached myself to become my best self. In this process, I realized inner freedom through consciousness. I have clarity and purpose and guide my clients to have an empowering mindset thought process and approach. The coaching journey expanded my vision, and now I see things from a new perspective.

What is the most challenging part of being a life coach?

It is very difficult for someone to change their paradigm, as it requires extensive time and effort. So, in coaching, instead of asking them to change, I guide them to take responsibility for their life.

What is the most fulfilling part of being a life coach?

I feel happy when I get results for myself—but, when I am on a journey to empower others and get results, I feel on top of the world.

What has been your most inspirational coaching moment with a client?

Unlocking a client’s potential to maximize their own performance. Sustaining the habits and helping them to achieve abundance in life is an inspirational moment.

What is your favorite coaching activity or exercise to do with clients?

Show two ways to attain goals: 1. Set goals and go for it. 2. Attract your goal to you. I guide the client to go with the second one by eliminating energy drains and bringing in things that give energy. This is my favorite coaching activity because we can do things that take away energy or things that gave us energy.

What has been the most effective strategy for finding clients and/or growing your business?

Helping people to understand where they are and guiding them to realize what they can be. I interact with people and give authentic feedback, and they ask me to help them. When you become the best version of yourself, people will reach out to you.

What advice would you give YOURSELF back when you first dreamed of becoming a coach?

Instead of looking for more knowledge, start with what I know and take baby steps in a big way. This will give tremendous results. I spent most of my time waiting for perfection. Don’t look for perfection. Start from where you are, and do it consistently.

What is the impact you want to make in this world?

Many people don’t know how to use their minds to work for themselves. If you constantly complain and gossip, it will make it much easier to find things to be upset about, regardless of what’s happening around you. If you constantly search for opportunities, abundance and love, it will make it much easier to find a reflection of those things around you. I want to leave a legacy by helping people and showing them how to use their minds to work for themselves and make the Earth a better place to live.

Is there anything else you would like to share with Transformation Coaching Magazine readers? 

Believe and achieve. Congruence in thoughts, words and actions navigates one to become what one wants. Overcome limiting beliefs and work on yourself to become the best version of you.

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