Dance Outside the Lines

By Arielle Giordano

Commit to move beyond your comfort zone and boundaries, and learn to find comfort in discomfort.

Are you willing to dance to a new rhythm in your life? Stepping into the zone of the unknown can trigger fluctuations in emotions, moods, thoughts and feelings, and it creates an experience that is uncomfortable. Why? Because you are moving out of your comfort zone!

Are you ready to find comfort in your discomfort? Life can turn upside down in the blink of an eye: a new job, relationship, career, marriage, divorce, location or house. Yet, however disruptive the event is in your life, you always have the ability to respond by being open and fluid, rather than closing up and tightening with fear. When a new space opens, there is a physical response and it’s okay to feel it in your body.

When you are okay, you are open and able to listen to the knowing within and let it move you forward. Patterns, conditioning, the past and beliefs are going to surface, but you can move through them and any resistance to change. Be aware and conscious of the knowing that speaks subtly and softly through your body, and find the openness and softness in your heart.

Changing life experiences and stories can push us into a shell like a tiny turtle retreating.

As adults, we often become fearful of freedom and dancing our own dance. However, remember that you get to choose to be okay when it comes time to make a shift in your normal, routine ways of doing and being. You can set yourself free and let go of old stories, patterns, conditioning and beliefs. Let life take hold as you flow and grow. Adopt a way of being that sets you free to be and move into what is fresh and new.

Dance, twirl and swing outside of your boundaries. Can you transform your “Someday” into Sunday? Dancing outside the lines is an invitation and opportunity to step into a new you! This may feel scary, but know that is okay. Be flexible like a newborn baby exploring the world and awakening and seeing something new every day.

Children naturally play in their innocence. They do not question anything or judge anyone. Children are carefree and do not worry about what other people think or how they look to the world. As a child, you likely enjoyed every moment and had fun. Being childlike, you did not hold back your thoughts, feelings and actions. You always told the truth to yourself. You even broke the rules. As a child, you were taught to always paint blue skies, grass green and trees with leaves. Were you also told to always stay inside the lines when coloring?

Life is overflowing with possibilities; don’t conform to unimportant rules. Dancing, coloring and painting inside the lines stifles your creativity and may even stop your progress toward achieving your full potential. Set yourself free to reach new possibilities in your career, relationships and artistic endeavors.

Dance from the inside out. Explore and engage in being new and fresh.

Are you ready to step up and take a risk? Dance yourself free and embrace your creativity and play! Set the stage and step into what is next on your path! Let whatever is inside of you outside the lines. Dance into the mysterious and embrace your dreams!

Arielle Giordano’s new book, Dancing with Your Story from the Inside Out, was released in March 2017.With a Masters of Arts and Masters of Education, Arielle is an author, professional dancer, inspirational speaker, certified Essentrics/Aging Backwards instructor, and workshop facilitator. She enjoys sharing her gifts and talents with an authentic style rich in the grace of dance, psychology, philosophy and the expressive arts. Her career includes: provisional psychologist, guidance counselor and substance-abuse therapist. As a Lead Faculty Area Chairperson and Faculty Member for College of Humanities at the University of Phoenix,she inspired students with her creative gifts. She also writes for Tampa Bay Wellness, We Woman and Transformation Magazine.

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