My Cause, Because…

By Gregg Sanderson

Most of the social history of the Western World, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.”—Thomas Sowell

There are figuratively gazillions of noble causes clamoring for our support, and every one of them wants to make the world a better place.

Each of us is an expression of the power that created everything, which I like to call BOB, the Being of Bliss. Since that’s true for all at different stages of realization, here’s how I decide to direct my energy.

I favor any cause that respects the individuality and diversity of all BOB’s expressions.

Anything that promotes fear (“We’re going to hell in a hand basket.”), scarcity (“There’s not enough to go around.”), uniformity (“Everybody must be like us.”), or exclusivity (“We know what’s good for you.”) doesn’t make the cut.

Then I ask, “What do they stand for?” Ernest Holmes said, “It would be wonderful indeed if a group of persons should arrive on Earth who are for something and against nothing.”

Our challenge, as we play BOB’s games, is to avoid the RACE trap. (Righteousness and Approval Complicate Everything). Do you support a cause because all your friends do? That’s seeking approval. Do you then spend most of the time and effort putting down those who have a different point of view? That’s righteousness. Ever notice how it’s always somebody else who’s greedy? That’s SELF-righteousness.

Your cause can let you feel noble, and it doesn’t matter if what they seek is totally ineffectual, or even makes matters worse. Too much of the clamor is about feeling good rather than actually accomplishing something.

That’s the RACE trap, folks. And beware. It can play havoc with your consciousness.

Wouldn’t you rather feel good about yourself if you get behind something that works? Of course you would, but how can you tell?

Sometimes it’s painfully obvious. “Stop doing what I don’t like,” is the credo of many, and they never consider what would happen should somebody obey. There is a term for that. It’s called “unintended consequences.” It’s just another way to say, “Ooops. I didn’t think of that.”  Beware of those who speak of unintended consequences. It says more about them than they realize.

When leaders fly in private jets to a luxury resort area to talk about pollution, I tend to question their sincerity.

When demonstrators for peace go on a rampage of destruction, can I help but wonder if they have their heads screwed on straight?

I used to live in lumber country, where people would demonstrate against the industry with wooden signs and never notice the irony.

Bless ‘em all as they do their respective dances to enlightenment, but I dance to a different tune. My song is Personal Freedom and every other individual on Earth is entitled to his/her own choices—and the consequences thereof.

So I will never proselytize for folks to live their lives as I do. I’ll just keep on living by my own choices and celebrate your right to do the same.

Have a nice day—or not. It’s your call.

Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at

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