By Terez Hartmann

We each have the ultimate formula for health, prosperity and experiencing joy-filled relationships:

Feel, allow and express LOVE more than worry, guilt, anger or fear.

Once the scales weigh heavier on the side of LOVE, we experience the stuff that “miracles” are made of.

We have all seen and experienced myriad examples of how pain and adversity can be catalysts for life transformation, but what if instead of finally surrendering to change after a long, hard road, we chose to ENJOY the journey and allow the awesome Power of LOVE to work its magic?

Let’s face it, drama and trauma has been done—and overdone. Unlike “change through pain,” the path of “transformation through LOVE” is one filled with sweetness, beauty, serenity and JOY!

ANY time I have been down in the dumps, the longer I hated and resisted being where I was while seeing things as “bad” or “wrong,” the longer I would stay firmly planted in Ickyville! When I realized that the distance between despair and bliss was based solely upon my ability to let go of resistance and embrace LOVE, I decided to bypass the middleman whenever possible and go straight to LOVE. And friends, I’ve got to say that once we discover that all paths ultimately lead to LOVE and we start going willingly, we begin to tap into a magic beyond anything we’ve ever dreamed possible.

When we feel LOVE, we lack for nothing AND allow transformation.

Think about it: Have you noticed that any time you’re truly loving life in those moments you are simply enjoying feeling and being right where you are?

The reason we seek any kind of success or positive change in our lives is so that we can get to feel JUST LIKE THIS, so the more LOVE we find in our NOW, the more we get to go straight to the finish line! An added bonus: Because we no longer need anything to change for us to be able to feel good—we are now in a place where things CAN change! And the health, relationships, money, opportunities, etc., that’d we’ve been seeking start flowing into our life like a waterfall of fabulousity!

Ready to feel the LOVE, baby? Use these Allowing Power Tools™ to connect with the Transformational Power of LOVE!

DO WHAT YOU LOVE NOW: The more love you find NOW, the more love comes later!

Instead of waiting for the planets to align or to figure out how to attach cash flow to your passion, decide that once and for all, you will give yourself the gift of spending your time doing something you love NOW—no matter what. Even if you can only dedicate five minutes a day to doing something you truly love, you give yourself five more minutes of fully LIVING and open the door for MORE!

All that I do now began by deciding to give myself the gift of following my bliss!

COMMIT TO LOVE: Commit to THE very thing that makes life worth living!

People commit to many things for many different reasons, but when it all comes down to it, everything they do and every promise they keep is linked in some way to an end result of feeling good (AKA LOVE). Integrity is indeed a fabulous thing, no doubt, but just imagine how your life could change if you stayed in integrity by following your inner guidance and only saying yes to the things that make your heart sing?

We’ve all seen the results of what happens when others begrudgingly keep their promises or agreements out of guilt. I don’t know about you, but when I have been on the receiving end of this kind of exchange, excellence, quality and fun were NOT a part of the package. On the other hand, every time someone said “yes!” to me from a place of personal alignment, true appreciation, focus, and love, it was a high-fivin’-I-love-you-man kind of fiesta that benefitted absolutely everyone!

NOTE: If anyone ever asks you to ignore your inner guidance or to suffer on his or her behalf, this is something that is coming from a place of anything BUT love.

The Bottom Line on The Power of LOVE

Love IS who we are and what we came here to experience and express, so it’s no wonder that when we feel love, we feel physically energized and fully alive! Misery and suffering does not—nor did it ever—lead to ease, success or LOVE. Only LOVE leads to LOVE, and when you feel LOVE and allow IT to become both your compass and your aim, in this very moment, you get to stand in the glow of the end of your rainbow! From where I sit as I write this tonight, I know that LOVE can and WILL change your life!


Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann,“Your catalyst for all things Fab-YOU-lous,” is the author of Allowing Your Success!, a proud contributing author of Transform Your Life! book one and two, a professional Keynote Speaker/Workshop Facilitator, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, “Allowing Adventures!” & “Savor Vacation” Facilitator, and true Renaissance Woman, and Visionary.  She keeps her fire lit by embracing and promoting a lifestyle of “Allowing,” and by using creative expression to elevate and ignite the human spirit, a passion that she shares with her husband, soul-mate and creative partner of over 15 years, John Victor Hartmann. Together they share “Allowing TRUE LOVE” workshops and experiences designed to help others attract, allow, and maintain extraordinary relationships, and create custom jingles and voice-overs in their studio, THE Creativity Express. Visit:


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