Are Animals Our Spiritual Teachers?

by Kumari

“We patronize the animals for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they are more finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other Nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.”~Henry Beston

In grade school my teachers taught that animals had no soul and therefore were inferior beings. It didn’t make sense to me then, and certainly does not ring true now. In fact, my experience is quite the opposite.

I have found animals to be amazing teachers in general, for demonstrating qualities humans could certainly aspire to, such as: unconditional love, light-heartedness, patience, persistence, playfulness, presence and forgiveness. These are qualities that most people would say their pets possess in abundance. But it doesn’t end there.

Animal communication pioneer and author Penelope Smith observes that, “Animals can teach us about our own true nature, since most of them always know and never disconnect from awareness of themselves as eternal spirit functioning within the whole web of life.” I would have to agree.

I spent over two decades studying with renowned Spiritual Masters, energy healers and intuitives. Then I began to notice how certain animals were assuming the same roles, teaching us how to meditate, how to be fully present no matter what is happening, how to release old energies and patterns instantly, and how to do advanced and profound healings. I have witnessed animals who are clearly advanced souls and Spiritual Teachers, serving to show us more evolved ways of being better humans.

Animals as Meditation Masters

A client called me years ago about her cat who was diagnosed with cancer with very little time left. I sent Reiki energy healing and he had instant relief from many of the discomforts of the cancer. There was a sense of completion with his human, as he had been with her through a very challenging time. But now he was a bit despondent as he was waiting to die. He needed another purpose.

So we talked about what he could focus on now, and the cat showed me that he was a powerful and skilled meditator. His person confessed to being a bit stuck in this area, as she would get to a certain place of emptiness, which she called “the white room”, and would become afraid that she would not be able to return to her normal consciousness. I suggested that the cat could become her Meditation Teacher with whatever time he had remaining…He was elated and got to work immediately.

Her “Buddha Kitty” then proceeded to support her by first going to different states of consciousness, having me describe them and hold the space, so that his person would more easily access these different planes. Her fear of leaving her body diminished with each session.

Animals as Master Healers

I once asked my puppy Suki: “Who are you in that little doggy body?” as time and again I felt a deep knowingness and profound presence in her. She communicated that she was a “healer”, but she wanted to be somewhat incognito and have the freedom to work unconventionally. I initiated her into Reiki when she was only a few months old, and made the mistake of attuning her paws since she didn’t have hands. Suki proceeded to use her paws and “punch” people at times in their solar plexus, and just as I was about to scold her, they reported that she shifted major blockages they had been unable to release!

When Suki was very near transitioning, I was very sad as she had a huge open tumor on her shoulder, and she left our bedroom to sleep in another room when we told her quite firmly not to irritate it further. So I followed her and curled up next to her on the office couch that night. Suki immediately filled the room with a blanket of enveloping energy that was so thick I felt like I was in the Divine Womb, and all my deep pain and sadness melted away. Suki explained telepathically that I should not just treat the body with healing energy, but fill the room with it, too, so that people and animals would feel safe and be able to more easily release their fears and limitations.

Interestingly, she had always insisted on attending every healing session by positioning herself under the table, and this is how many clients reported feeling her presence during treatments, commenting how her energy made them feel so relaxed and safe.

“Be Here Now”

Much of human misery stems from the fact that we are most often living in the past or the future, rarely in the present moment. Animals are incredibly able to demonstrate this ability to be fully present.

People often called me to find out if their animals are in pain. Though animals feel all types of pain, they often are not experiencing it the way humans are because they are not obsessing mentally about it. They have the ability to be fully in each moment. So one moment they are perhaps aware of their body and its discomforts, and the next they are watching a bird, and so fully in that moment that there is little or no pain experience.

So if you have been secretly wondering if your Snoopy is a Sage or Shaman, if Buddy the beagle is a Buddha, or Lucky the cat is a Lightworker, you may be on to something. Don’t let the fur or feathers fool you! There are some pretty awesome spiritual adepts masquerading in animal garb.


Kumari is an internationally acclaimed intuitive coach, master healer, best-selling author, spiritual evolutionary, and animal mystic. Her deepest joy is empowering others to unwrap their innate intuitive, manifesting, and healing gifts. Kumari hosted “Co-Creation Activations” radio show on World Puja Network and the Internet TV program “How to Heal Anything Live.” She is coauthor of the bestselling book Empowering Transformations for Women and just released her new eBook Animal Communication Magic & Miracles: 13 Keys to Deepen Your Bond with Your Pets, Improve Health & Change Behavior Immediately. Kumari is a catalyst for spiritual evolution. Through energy alchemy and unveiling the human/animal spiritual interconnectedness, she has helped thousands around the globe experience bliss, our true divinity and Oneness. For more information visit


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