20 Steps to True Peace and Joy

by Jonathan Mathews

The holidays are here, and in the hustle and bustle of family and friends, we often become consumed with obligations and expectations that can drain our peace and Joy. To help you regain your balance as we prepare for the New Year, I have put together the following 20 Steps, which are not in any specific order. Try working one at a time for a period of 20 to 30 days. If you do, your life is sure to change, you will make a difference in the world, and you will be be on the road to an enlightened mind.

20 Steps to True Peace and Joy

The following excerpts are taken from “A Course in Miracles” and askrealjesus.com:

1. I make another’s interest my own. I see his suffering as my own; I have a true desire to be helpful. I give selfless service regularly and when appropriate.

2. I judge not another; I take the log out of my own eye, not the speck out of another›s. I cannot have the desire to change anyone unless I have first judged him. I give up the belief in dualism (right and wrong, good and bad) that causes judgment. I don›t criticize, ignore or otherwise withhold my love from another. I am patient and calm.

3. I don›t engage in or start gossip. Gossip is an attack on both myself and the other. Judging another is always a projection of my own guilt.

4. I stay in integrity. What I think, what I say and what I do are not conflicted. I always speak my truth and release any need to be liked.

5. I commit to a daily spiritual practice that keeps me focused on God and love. I do my best to avoid distractions such as TV, the Internet, cell phones and other potential addictions. I intentionally bring love and caring into all parts of my life.

6. I give up defensiveness (turn the other cheek). I let go of anger and condemnation and, instead, I see an attack by another as a call for love and then answer the call WITH love. I let go of the need to be right or to make another wrong. Love is patient and kind.

7. I surrender my personal stories, drama and beliefs that keep me imprisoned in the past. I am not my «poor me» stories, I am free! I let go of and heal anger, hurts and resentments that I am harboring from the past. I practice forgiveness daily and surrender the idea that anyone can hurt me.

8. I let go of control, attachments and outcomes. I always choose what is happening right now, not what I think I want. Only the NOW encompasses God›s love and perfection, therefore I choose what is in front of me and make appropriate decisions about it.

9. I forgive myself, God and all perceived perpetrators for what I think they did, as I change my beliefs and perceptions that led me to that perpetrator/ victim thinking.

10. I practice gratitude daily, even in difficult situations because I can never see the whole picture or end result. There is always much to be thankful for. I stay humble and rely on God. Gratitude will help to undo the ego and bring me peace.

11. I give up vanity and conceit and a need to be noticed or acknowledged. I give up competition and comparing myself to another.

12. I engage in random acts of kindness, even for strangers and the seemingly undeserving. I am always truly helpful wherever I am.

13. I give up, envy, resentments, hurts, anger and hatred. Even ignoring another is an attack on him or her. I cannot envy another if I know our oneness. Everyone deserves my love and respect.

14. I treat all strangers, even the scary ones, as friends. I can look in their eyes and see the same Christ that is in me, and smile.

15. I listen carefully to others instead of planning my response, even to the seemingly mundane and unintelligent, for they deserve my love—and listening IS loving.

16. I am generous with my time, talents, love, possessions, and money. If I see a need, it is mine to fill. Remember, a gift that has any expectations is NOT a gift, it is a trade. I let go of greed. Giving IS receiving!

17. I pay attention to my thoughts, words and beliefs, for they directly affect my reality. I take full responsibility (not blame) for what I create; I am never a victim. I think only about what I like and want, not what I don›t want, so that I can manifest appropriately. I take whatever steps are necessary to fulfill my intended manifestations.

18. I give over my fears to God. I am not a body, I am Spirit, and therefore there is nothing to fear except fear itself. To the Holy Spirit I surrender the fear of death, pain, lack or loss. I even give up fearing the future. Debilitating fear never again runs my life and overshadows my peace and well-being.

19. I have the openness and spontaneity of a child. I have a sense of wonder and innocence. I freely play, sing, dance and spend time in nature. I observe and interact with children because they are great teachers for me.

20. I give up chasing love, security, pleasures, power, money and material things. I trust in God›s love, bounty and protection instead. Love and service to mankind is my one and only goal.

Jonathan Mathews is a spiritual coach and writer in St. Petersburg, FL, and a long-time A Course in Miracles student. His new book, “Divine Mastery” Your Guide to Living the Life God Intended, is now available on Amazon. It is a no-nonsense, easy-to-read guide that is short and to the point—a practical companion to live your life by. Jonathan also facilitates a group study on the book The Way of Mastery, which was channeled by Jesus. You can reach Jonathan at jmathews6565@gmail.com or call 865-247-8036 for a free consultation.


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