Giving IS Receiving

By Jonathan Mathews

Giving may seem like losing something or having less long-term, but actually it is the high road to an abundant life. If you give freely and unconditionally of your time, talents, and treasures, you are assured to live a prosperous, happy, and fulfilling life. The reason? In the giving IS the receiving.

It not only feels good to give from the heart with no strings attached, but at the same time you set into motion the law of karma, which states: For every action there is a reaction. Every time you give something or do something for another or a group, that deed is entered into an invisible “bank” of the universe, where it sits waiting for an opportunity to give back to you in unexpected ways and at a time that is most appropriate for you. This law never fails! So let’s talk about ways you can give:

Donate to your church or any organization that feeds you spiritually. A 10 percent tithe on your earnings is a good benchmark, and it will give back exponentially in abundance. However, you must give only in love, never out of guilt or fear, to reap the rewards.

Assist anybody, even a stranger, who is in need of money, help, or solace. If you are unsure how to react to someone’s need, just stop and quietly ask Holy Spirit, your true self, for help, and then listen for the answer to come to your mind. It may be some loving words, a helping hand, money, or whatever. You will know. (We are all one in Christ; therefore, giving to another is giving to yourself.)

Listen intently to others who need to share, making THEIR interests your own. This means being genuinely interested in what another is sharing and not waiting for an opportunity to interrupt with what you just can›t wait to say. Use appropriate questions or comments to clarify or confirm what you hear. This is the gift of active listening.

Be kind, generous, and complimentary to family, friends, and strangers. A smile or a “thank you” is often all it takes to make another feel cared for or loved. Always stay in integrity with yourself; make sure what you believe, what you think, what you say, and what you do is in alignment with your true self. By the way, this is a recipe for outstanding self-esteem!

BE the love that God created you to embody and you will be richly blessed—filled with joy and happiness. Give like it is going out of style! You can›t out-give God and loving yourself and all people IS loving God.

Jonathan Mathews is a spiritual coach and writer in St. Petersburg, FL, and a long-time A Course in Miracles student. His new book, “Divine Mastery” Your Guide to Living the Life God Intended, is now available on Amazon. It is a no-nonsense, easy-to-read guide that is short and to the point—a practical companion to live your life by. Jonathan also facilitates a group study on the book The Way of Mastery, which was channeled by Jesus. You can reach Jonathan at or call 865-247-8036 for a free consultation.


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