The 3 Tips for Empowered Thriving

By Janice Carlin

None of us want to just live in this world. We want to thrive! And we want to see our children thriving as well. Unfortunately, a great majority of us are not experiencing this. Instead we find ourselves sick, anxious, depressed, struggling, and hopeless. I know what it is like to live this way, and I also know what it is like to shift to a different life—one filled with peace, joy, and vitality.

As a result of my own personal journey of healing and awakening, I have discovered three key elements to thriving. When you know about them, you become empowered to shift your experiences quickly and easily away from the struggles to what you desire.

Key #1: Know Who You Really Are

Who you are is not your body or your mind. Who you are is your soul. You are your soul, and you have a body and mind through which you experience thoughts and feelings and have experiences on Earth. This being said, you, as an individual being, have a certain soul energy. Additionally, you carry within yourself unique experiences, knowledge, and mastery. No matter where you live, what you look like, or the situations you find yourself experiencing in your life, your soul remains who/what your soul is and always has been—a unique facet of the entirety of all.

The reason that knowing all of this is so important is that it will allow you to step completely out of the limiting mindset of diagnostic labels and societal expectations. Here is an example of how this works: If you are an angelic being who has incarnated with a human body for the first time, the needs you will have for thriving will be different than one who has much experience incarnating as a human being. You will be more sensitive to the toxins, pathogens, and violence that exist here on Earth because you have never been exposed to them before. Therefore, when you start to react to them, rather than judging yourself or allowing someone else to judge you as sickly, weak, over-emotional, or mentally unstable, you can remember that the reason you are feeling badly is because you are a pure being of light who has been exposed to something toxic. And what can you do about it? That is what the next two keys are all about!

Key #2: Know How Energy Works In Our World

From the 5 percent of energy we see to the 95 percent we cannot see with our eyes—we are interacting with energy, and we are part of it. About 80 percent comprises dark matter (so-called because it cannot be seen), which actually moves around us and through us all the time.

Unfortunately, we have been gravely misled about how the energy we cannot see affects us. For example, consider an apple, which any doctor or nutritionist would say is part of a healthy diet. Here is what they do not say: If that apple has been conventionally grown, you also will be ingesting the following along with it—over 40 different types of pesticides, antibiotics, and chemical herbicides. In addition to the energy in our polluted food, water, and air, we are exposed to EMFs (electromagnetic fields) from electronics and the emotional energy of violent thoughts and acts all around us. What we cannot see most definitely can hurt us.

Toxic energies abound on Earth because people create, produce, and use them. You have to be diligent upon keeping them away from you if you want to feel good and live to your highest potential. This includes what you ingest, inhale, and place upon your body. It also includes the rest of the unseen energies in any space where you are, and within and around your body. You can work to eliminate the toxic energies from your life that are within your control by eating organic food, refraining from smoking, and using natural household cleaners and body products. In order to keep the rest from hurting you, you have to know about the third key.

Key #3 Know How to Work Effectively With Energy

People can learn to work with energy to help themselves thrive. Your soul works harmoniously with your body to convey information to you. Therefore, if you feel badly (emotionally, physically, or having negative thoughts), then you have come into contact with a toxic energy. Some people are naturally able to detoxify these energies without much effort, while others have to do more exercise or drink green juices to move the energies out and away from themselves. Some have to add subtle energy clearing techniques along with physical detox protocols to remain in a healthy state. I fall into this category, as does my highly sensitive son. This is because of who we are on a soul level. Energy clearing techniques are simple, accessible, and free to use. Even kids can do them easily. Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., shares many powerful, gentle techniques in her books, as do I.

When you work intentionally with energy, you can more easily manifest what you desire. You will find that you can step into the driver’s seat and move from passively living to actively creating and thriving. When you learn to work with energy on multiple levels simultaneously, you honor yourself because this is how you truly exist. It is easy to slap a label on people who are not able to thrive to their highest potential. But doing this does not solve the issues causing the problems in the first place. If you or your child is struggling, consider if you are addressing all three key elements as deeply as possible. Look for helpful, quality resources that you trust, and enjoy stepping into your power to heal, shift, and transform your life yourself.


Janice Carlin is the author of The Sensitivity Factor, Be Free, Toward Ascension, Empathic Sensitivity, and The Foundations Healing System Guidebook, a revolutionary healing system she developed for highly sensitive people. She is also a healer, intuitive channel, teacher, and mom. Janice is passionate about sharing information that empowers people to care for themselves, their children, and the earth in the most honoring ways possible. She has a Master’s degree in music and is a certified Holographic Sound Healing practitioner. Janice lives in Florida and enjoys being of service in the highest benefit that she can be. Her website is

This article is a chapter from the book Transform Your Life! written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at,, and all ebook formats.

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