How Practicing Gratitude Equals Good Vibes

By Kumari

The Law of Attraction is a universal law stating that “like attracts like.” A high vibrational frequency attracts more high frequency, or what you might perceive as “positive” situations into your life, while a low vibrational frequency magnetizes more “negative” situations to you. Through your thoughts and feelings you create your vibration, which then begins to manifest outwardly as your experiences and reality.

Everything in the Universe is vibrational in nature, including you. In other words, the essence of what you are is pure energy, oscillating at a certain vibrational frequency. Maybe you’ve never given much thought to your vibrational frequency before; however, once you understand how it governs your life, it will soon become your No. 1 focus if you wish to create more healing, abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

How do I Know what my Vibrational Frequency is?

This is much simpler than you may think. You determine the rate of your vibrational frequency by asking yourself how you feel. The better you feel, the higher your frequency; the worse you feel, the lower your frequency.

When the energy of your being is vibrating at a high frequency, you are drawing into your life more opportunities, situations, and relationships that will perpetuate this wonderful “high” feeling. When you are vibrating at a low frequency, you are attracting more opportunities, situations, and relationships that will perpetuate a “negative” feeling.

It is through your feelings that your inner guidance system lets you know the rate of your vibration.

Your vibrational frequency is “set” by the dominant thoughts and beliefs you hold in your consciousness. With this knowledge, you‘ll soon become aware of the fact that when you hold positive thoughts in your mind, you feel great; and when you hold negative thoughts in your mind, you feel cranky. You can vibrate at a different frequency on different topics—for example, you may be able to sustain healthy thoughts about family relationships but harbor negative beliefs about money. Your overall frequency is an average of how you “vibrate” on all the various subjects of your life.

The Frequency of Gratitude

In his world-famous research on the power of word vibrations on water, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that love plus the combination of thanks and appreciation reflected in the English word Gratitude create the most important vibration. This gorgeous crystal photo is a result of the word Gratitude taped onto distilled water, and then frozen. Angry words taped onto the water were a muddy color and they would not even form into crystals.

How to “Practice” Gratitude

Every great mentor I have known has suggested some method of practicing gratitude as being of the utmost importance to any spiritual discipline and to a successful and happy life—for what you focus on, you become. Here are a few ways to accomplish this:

1) Keep a Gratitude Journal or Jar. Create a Gratitude Journal or a jar and write down each day things for which you are grateful. They can be very simple and not always personal, like the sunset or a hummingbird outside your window. Anything that lifts your spirit and, therefore, raises your frequency.

2) Begin Meetings with Celebrations. In my mentoring and mastermind groups, we always begin by first sharing our “celebrations” to help set our focus on what is working. I am always amazed how that list is usually so much longer than my “challenges”. This can be applied to many settings, such as business meetings, therapy, and healing sessions.

3) Find Three Things Daily for which You are Grateful. Even if you don’t write them down, it is still very helpful to set a daily goal such as listing three things in your life to be grateful for. Better yet, speak them to someone. It is also a wonderful way to go to bed and set your sleep space on a more positive note and begin creating your frequency for a better tomorrow!

4) Take a Beauty Walk. Go for a walk and begin to notice the beauty all around you. Do this by focusing on the four directions saying: “Beauty in front of me, beauty behind me, beauty to the left, beauty to the right.” Choose a focus in each direction. Notice how quickly you change to feeling happier and happier.

Kumari is an internationally acclaimed intuitive coach, master healer, best-selling author, spiritual evolutionary, and animal mystic. Her deepest joy is empowering others to unwrap their innate intuitive, manifesting, and healing gifts. Kumari hosted “Co-Creation Activations” radio show on World Puja Network and the Internet TV program “How to Heal Anything Live.” She is coauthor of the bestselling book Empowering Transformations for Womenand just released her new eBook Animal Communication Magic & Miracles: 13 Keys to Deepen Your Bond with Your Pets, Improve Health & Change Behavior Immediately.Kumari is a catalyst for spiritual evolution. Through energy alchemy and unveiling the human/animal spiritual interconnectedness, she has helped thousands around the globe experience bliss, our true divinity and Oneness. For more information visit


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