Your Own Masterpiece

By Anna Trishch

There are beautiful masterpieces everywhere—especially in our heart. We have unlimited potential. We have personal power. But to claim these treasures, fulfill our life purpose, and achieve our highest potential we must take action.

There is an inspirational story about a child in Rome who spent hours watching a strange artist working intently. Finally, the boy spoke, “Signore, WHY are you hitting that rock?” Michelangelo looked up from his work and answered, “Because there is an angel inside and he wants to come out.” Wow, how powerful!

Michelangelo’s immortal and magnificent sculptures have inspired people throughout the centuries. His skill, the depth of emotion he rendered, and his fine craftsmanship are magnificent to behold. It amazes me how simple his secret was: He visualized a masterpiece in the rock, and with the help of a hammer and chisel he removed everything that was covering it up. That’s it!

How can we adopt a similar approach? On my own personal journey, I have found that it is not always easy to chip away at the façade we create for ourselves and that others place upon us. But with faith and time, we still can reveal the core of our true inner potential. For example, I was born in a small Ukrainian village, struggled early on at school, faced financial challenges, experienced the hardship of being an immigrant all by myself, etc. But rather than let these circumstances define my world, I shaped my own image of whom I would become and chiseled away at the ingrained patterns and behaviors that threatened to keep me stuck in the quarry. Persistence and effort eventually paid off.

It takes time, effort, and hard work to uncover our own personal angel.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the masterpiece in the rock, but that vision is what will allow us to become anything or anyone we desire in our life.

No doubt, it takes courage to unleash that personal power.

Most people don’t have the vision; they don’t have the dream. They are not willing to take the hammer and the chisel and chip away the layers blocking their true potential. They refuse to take action.

Don’t be one of those people. Find faith that you are whole and complete in this moment, underneath all of the unnecessary “stuff” such as limiting beliefs, negativity and self-doubt.

Embrace personal development and growth. Engage in the process of self-improvement. It’s not easy, and it takes time, but masterpieces are not created overnight. Go the extra mile, push yourself, and trust the value of the process. We can inspire our lives if we simply appreciate ourselves, celebrate small every-day victories, and keep our eyes on our aspired goal. The hammer and the chisel are the inspiration, motivation, and action. Keep hitting the rock until the angel emerges.

Anna Trishch is a lover of life, an author, a life coach and a public speaker. Coming from a very modest background in a small Ukrainian town, she faced many challenges and financial hardships as a child and teenager. Although Anna’s parents were loving and caring, they came from a victimhood mentality that did not resonate with her soul. A believer that we are the creators of our own life, Anna went on to study at Ostroh Academy, one of the best Ukrainian universities. Today, she speaks four languages and lives her dream life in Miami. She helps people to discover the universal truth about human greatness and unlimited human potential; it is never about resources, but always about resourcefulness. Visit her online at, email or call 786-768-4130.

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