The Secret to Your Spiritual Awakening

By Sarah A. Sparks

It is time. It is time. It is time. It is time to take the cookies out of the oven. It’s time to get married. It’s time to get a new job. It’s time to move. It’s time to have children. It’s time…it’s time… it’s time. Aren’t we funny creatures? We place so much importance on WHEN we are to get things done, we bypass the WHY we are here in the first place; “here” meaning on Earth.

We want to know how to get it all done. We want to know every step to take to lose weight. We want to know how to bring the perfect lover into our lives. We want to know how to live a purpose-driven life. What if the HOW didn’t matter? What if all that mattered was the WHY? What if the Why allowed us the “spiritual awakening” we craved? What if we let go of who we thought we were supposed to be and allowed LOVE to rein in our lives? What if we stopped placing limits on ourselves and allowed ourselves to be limitless, to be free? Would a spiritual awakening give us that freedom?

I asked Spirit, “What would you like me to say about spiritual awakening?” Here is what I received:

It takes time to open oneself up to your spiritual awakening; yet, time is of no relevance to your existence.

Please allow me to explain by breaking this sentence down one phrase at a time:

“It takes time”—Be patient with yourself. We rush and rush and rush to make ourselves have answers, but the truth of the matter is all we have to do is allow ourselves to be open.

“To open oneself up”—We rely on the human experience to help explain to us what Love is and isn’t. What we don’t realize is we are relying on the wrong source to help explain this. By relying on the human experience of Love for explanation and answers, we close ourselves off to our truth and the connection to All That Is. Connect to the unconditional Love from Spirit to allow yourself to be open to your spiritual awakening.

“Your spiritual awakening”—This makes reference to the fact that we all experience our own life, our own path, our own spiritual awakening differently. If I were to share with you exactly how to have a “spiritual awakening” and the exact steps to take to awaken your world to All That Is, it would provide you with false hope. Why, you may ask? Because your spiritual awakening is unique to you. Remember, be patient with yourself and open up to the unconditional Love Spirit provides, not human love.

“Time is of no relevance to your existence”—Time is a limiting thought. The Universe is limitless. You are not just your body. You are your soul, uniting in this field of source with the Universe. Therefore, you are limitless. Stating you have to achieve this or that by such and such time only limits you and your existence. There’s no need to place limitations on your existence. There’s no need to place a time line on your experiences, wants, and desires. What you desire is already here. Are you open to receive it?

What would happen if you were patient with yourself, opened yourself up to the unconditional Love of Spirit, and allowed your Spiritual Awakening to happen for you?

Namaste, friends. Namaste.

Sarah A. Sparks, MPA, is the speaker and relationship mentor for Create The Spark, LLC. Sarah has her BA in Human Resource Management, a certificate in Training: Design and Development from the University of Northern Iowa, as well as a MPA from Drake University. Sarah worked as a leader for two local governments in Iowa from 2004-2010, in the capacity of an Operations Transit Supervisor and Safety Coordinator, and as a Parks and Recreation Director. While serving these communities, Sarah mentored and trained numerous employees. Through this experience, she discovered the belief in one’s self is what limits someone from creating the life she desires. From that point onward, Sarah made it her mission to guide those who want to be mentored to create the life they desire by having the confidence and trust in themselves to make the right decision and say what they need to say, with love! Email Sarah at or visit

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