The Awakening of Signs in a Synchronous Universe

By Camille Titone

The Universe provides you with every synchronicity you need to fully experience the world and receive the necessary instructions on how to best advance in your life. I believe there are no coincidences. Everything that is meant to occur in your lifetime will unfold in the proper “Spirit time.”

When you notice the noticeable and are consciously “awake,” additional synchronicities begin to occur.

You possess an innate, intuitive knowledge within every cell of your present body and within your DNA from many previous lives. You are unique and have a mission(s) for this lifetime that is supremely special. In this 21st Century you are here for a higher purpose. It is the wise soul that takes notice of these synchronous occurrences in daily life. They come to us through nature, other people, and just about every important adventure in life when we are in a state of concentrated consciousness.

I have come to realize my life has been a series of special synchronicities. One sacred occurrence took place in 1981 at Rockaway Beach in Queens, NY. On a warm, bright and sunny Sunday, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, I found a worn, gray sand dollar shell, and it opened an unfolding of events that continued for several hours.

At the beach that day I played a little game, silently saying, “I will not pick up any shells today.” “I will just walk, talk, and play with You in song and dance, my Lord.” In the next moment, as if a bolt of lightning struck the sand, my eye caught sight of a shiny speck. In awe and wonder, I felt compelled to possess this small round shell. Now, fixed with a conundrum, as I had just promised a second ago not to pick up any shells, I slowly and attentively, in a 360-degree circle, surrounded the spot where the speck was covered by sand. Aware that God is All-loving, I picked up my newfound contentment. Time stood still, ever so briefly, as a connection to this sand dollar left me in an ethereal state of mind. I knew this day would be etched in my heart, mind, and soul forever.

After my walk at the shore, I took a short but deep sleep on the sand. Following a conversational dream I woke up stating, “Yes, I will write the book!” Afterward, I picked up my belongings, shoes, and shell and left the beach for the day. Getting in my car, deciding to keep the sand dollar close, I held it between my thumb and forefinger. As I backed out of the parking spot, to my disappointment, the shell broke into two perfectly jagged halves.

Three years later, another synchronicity! I found “The Legend of the Sand Dollar,” which explains that the sand dollar is representative of Christ and many times is referred to as the Holy Ghost shell. The markings on a Sand Dollar represent the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. The legend states: When the shell is broken open the Holy Spirit descends upon you. I realized this occurred the very day I found my shell. I was elated. However, after many attempts at writing, not knowing what to share, my life moved on.

The same year, I had a dream one night that I can still envision in my mind to this day. I woke with my hands crisscrossed at my breast and said aloud, “If I never believed before my Lord, I do now.” In my dream, I was in a boat in the middle of a dark ocean, in a raging storm. A figure with a bright yellow slicker beckoned me to take the helm, which was spinning out of control as we stood on the deck. I still recall the recoiled and hesitant “No!” barely whispered. The figure stretched his hand out over the swelling sea. Looking down into the waves I saw white, ghostlike faces with horrific expressions. All were drowning as their outstretched arms were reaching up toward me. The dream was a powerful message, but I woke up and life moved on.

Although, it was not immediately apparent—in fact, the time span was exactly 10 years—I did come to believe it was my responsibility to help save humanity. These experiences and dreams took me on a journey that led me to strive for perfection on a daily basis. Then, suddenly, the synchronicities were rapidly increasing—so much so that I could no longer comprehend or trust the information I was receiving. I became truly confused and discontent. My life experience for nearly the next 20 years was an agonizing downward spiral. I fully realized during that extensive span of time that I could not find perfection as a human being on earth and become an enlightened being. It was not my destiny at this time. I also came to understand that I am on a journey and synchronicity is the roadmap for growth not a destination marker for enlightenment.

If I can leave you with one sincere idea, it would be to look to the synchronicities in your life, both large and small, and to take them seriously. Reflect on them daily and understand that they are signals and signs from the Universe. Be full of hope and direction, for within us all is the Christ Consciousness.

Camille Titone‘s motives are altruistic. She has a love for all humanity. As young as three years old her life was in the realm of Dance. She veered from a creative path beginning a career in the corporate world. Camille left her comfortable position to search a path more true to her life mission(s). Camille considers herself a ‘late bloomer.’ This is her first published work in this collaborative effort to get her story out and in the hands of transformational readers. Her website is Please stop by. Camille would enjoy hearing your comments to her chapter on synchronicities.

This article is a chapter from the book Transform Your Life! written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at,, and all ebook formats.


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