Understanding the Human Energy Being: Part 1. Your Gross (Physical) Body

by Berenice Andrews

What is man that Thou art mindful of him
And the son of man that Thou visitest him?
For Thou has made him a little lower than the angels
And hast clothed him with glory and honor. Psalms 8: 4-5

These words of ancient scripture contain both the metaphysics and the quantum physics sought by a modern soul searcher. For these words actually describe a human energy being…a being of consciousness and “knowing” (gnosis)…not only as who but also as what he/she is.

The Who and What of You

In this Psalm, the “who” (metaphysics) and the “what” (quantum physics) of you are “little lower than the angels…[and] “clothed…with glory and honor.” Moreover, you’re an incarnate energy being with whom the Spirit (“Thou”), the One Consciousness, Creative Energy, constantly maintains a close (“mindful”) and special (“visitest”) relationship. And you are contained and sustained in and by an energy field—not only enveloped (“clothed”) in the energies of the Spirit, but also “made” out of them.

That “take” on those words of the psalmist is the subject of this and the following two articles to appear in the July and August issues of Transformation.

The Macrocosm and Microcosm

In the context of this world view, the energies of the Spirit are unlimited and constantly expanding. They constitute the macrocosm that created everything out of Itself. That power (“Thou”) has been referred to, for centuries, as God (and other deities), and in the modern language of quantum science as the Universal Energy Field. Whatever the “language,” all things—collectively and individually: past, present and future—exist within that “glory”/energy.

They constitute the microcosm. Thus, the Universe, Earth, mankind and you are all microcosmic. Yet, while all things can be reduced to one person, the Spirit (the wholeness) remains unchanged and unchanging. And the Spirit—the One Consciousness, Creative Energy—is “working” in you, as you and through you.

So, there you are, an energy being, aka, soul. And soul is the entire spectrum of you as the formed (matter) and unformed (non-matter) energy “bodies” which your chakras (centers of consciousness), guided by your nucleus of divinity, have generated out of the “field” of consciousness in which you are immersed. Thus, you can be described quite differently from what many people have believed for many centuries.

The key word here is “holistic.” Basically, it means that our world at its smallest and the universe at its “biggest” are actually made out of the same energy, i.e., the “parts” are intimately interconnected and understandable only with reference to the whole. Thus, you are a “holistic” energy being/soul. Moreover, you have gross, subtle, and transcendent “bodies”/soul structures. And they relate to each other (and to the Spirit) in an amazing configuration. In the Hindu world view, that relationship is called the Dance of Shiva and Shakti. In quantum physics, it is called “particles and waves.”

Now, let us proceed.

Your Gross (Physical) “Body”/Soul Structures

You, Little Soul, chose to be a human being on this immensely challenging earth. At your conception, the energies of your nucleus of divinity, the energies that would inform you all of your lifetime, had “quickened” your parental sperm and egg. After gestating inside a human uterus enclosed within an etheric womb, you were born. And your gross “body,” already almost a year old in its developing, continued to express your physicality.

Form Follows Consciousness

What a tiny incarnation you were! Indeed, your physical soul structures were so fragile that for almost one whole year you were still energetically connected with your mother (even if you never met her). You continued to grow by maintaining an unremitting focus on your survival.

As any modern anatomy textbook would indicate, the development of the various systems, parts, and substances of your gross body followed a clearly definable “timetable.” It was partly determined by your parental genetic endowment and partly by your survival-driven root chakra. Both were guided and controlled by your nucleus of divinity.

Functioning since your conception as the generative power of your physical body, your root chakra’s predominantly masculine (output) energies worked ceaselessly in the creation of your physical “forms”—soul structures made out of the consciousness energies (the quantum) in which you were immersed.

Those structures (your flesh, bones, water and blood, your primal instincts, needs and drives) were described for many centuries as “animal soul.” Included was your emerging perceptual filtering system, centered in your five senses and profoundly influenced by the environment in you and around you. Thus, you were a unique animal soul. And your gross body was a remarkable and ongoing creation that (except for some basic “maintenance”) you did very little, overtly, to make happen. But, was that all you were? Of course not!

Who and what you were was also being developed in an amazing and hidden creative process that involved your kundalini. Now, here is an apparent contradiction in the makeup of an animal soul. Although an aspect of your physicality and located squarely in the root chakra, the kundalini is a spiritual force of immense magnitude. Directed by your nucleus of divinity, the kundalini triggered the formation of all your “bodies” of consciousness and was, therefore, instrumental in all that you became. (As a soul searcher, it was your “kundalini shifts,” as you evolved into humanness, that would indicate your ongoing enlightenment.)

Keep that in mind while you continue to explore your hidden, creative process. For there was more that was involving your gross body/soul structures.

Your “Dance” of Shiva and Shakti

Starting at your conception, there was an amazing “dance” going on. Within your “holistic” consciousness, your other primary chakras, while not fully functioning (until their appointed time) were adding their fostering energies to building your gross body. They were also fomenting your further evolution. (Please remember your Life Plan and Sacred Story from past articles in Transformation!) Each of them was carrying a physical component that added its power to the process, but not in the manner that an animal soul would have expected.

As stated, that activity has been called “The Dance of Shiva and Shakti.” Those chakras, there from the beginning, stayed to promote your physicality and contribute to the “who and what” of you.

Now, please picture your gross body as swirling energies of color/ sound…pulsating energies…a constantly changing and flowing spectrum of light.

Here are the bright red, masculine energies of the root roaring and swinging in a constantly changing kaleidoscope…Here are the bright orange feminine energies of the sacral furiously, lovingly, madly, gently dancing your emotions and even taking on their “forms” in your perceptual filtering system…Here are the bright yellow masculine energies of the solar plexus whirling, even gyrating with your “gut” level ideas, thoughts and understandings and connecting with your metabolic centers (sometimes even boosting the red)…Here are the bright green feminine energies of the heart center, the “bridge” and the “crucible,” carrying, healing, and making possible your upward and downward energy flow…Here are the bright blue masculine energies of the throat calling forth your spiritual humanness by providing the etheric physicality to help the root and to prevent dis-ease…Here are the bright purple, feminine energies of the third eye, taking in and “visioning” with your wise and life-serving insights…Here, finally are the shimmering white exogenous energies of the crown that inspire and help you in accomplishing  your physical and non-physical wholeness.

What an incredible “dance” you were (and still are!) Always changing! Always becoming! And there’s more!

From the moment you were conceived, your gross body/soul structures were being informed by the physical energies of your other “bodies,” holistically present while awaiting their own development. Thus, you were the “dance” of their physical/quantum potential. Here, leaping, laughing, singing (and sometimes shrieking) were your physical/emotional body energies, the products of your hormones and other “feelings” forms, not only from this developing lifetime but also from many past lives. Here, were the excited, convoluted, and quivering physical/mental body energies, the emerging perceptions, first “thoughts” and sense of selfhood, the products of your central nervous system. And, here were the radiating, pulsating and glowing energies of the transcendent physical bodies that have presented themselves mainly through the loving touch and nurturing energies of others. They tenderly maintained your physicality and thereby, helped you to learn and develop your own real glory.


That’s why you were born. So, knowing about who you are as an energy being and about what you are as a gross “body” (that’s really a soul structure of physicality) is important! On your path of spiritual evolution, that body is as much spirit as the others. Your love and devotion start there. That’s what the psalmist probably had in mind.

Berenice Andrews is a shamanic teacher/healer and a regular contributor to Transformation. To explore the ideas presented above in greater detail, please refer to her articles in back issues of Transformation Magazine and to her book: Rebirthing Into Androgyny: Your Quest for Wholeness…And Afterward. If you are interested in becoming her student, see her website:  thestonecircleclassroom.com.


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