How to Accept Yourself

By Sarah Sparks

Five years ago, sitting on a spiritual healer’s sofa, being guided by her words of wisdom, she asked me a simple question: “How do I imagine Love.” I painted her a picture of what Love meant to me. I expressed to her that Love was total, complete acceptance. Simple. Easy. Love is complete acceptance. Well…until she asked me, “When was the first time you weren’t accepted?”

BAM! In that very moment my whole existence came to a halt. I had been blaming my ex-husband, my ex-mother-in-law, my family, my boyfriend, my friends…You get the picture. I was blaming everyone else for my shortcomings since the AGE OF 3! Holy buckets of joy! Since 3 years old, I was holding onto the belief that I wasn’t accepted by others and I wasn’t good enough to be accepted; therefore, everyone always left.

Once I had the awareness of this belief, I was able to understand why I believed it and know it is not true. The belief that no one accepted me was no longer going to be my Truth because I was taking on a whole new belief.

The belief I live today is: I am accepted. I accept myself for the Love I am.

The new belief isn’t always easy to live. There are times when someone questions what I am doing, or why I am the way I am, or why I am not doing “XYZ.” I remember the loving guidance I received through Spirit on how to accept myself and I know that I am accepted, Loved, whole, and complete. I let others believe what they want to because it is not up to me to change them or their viewpoint of me. My acceptance and love for myself is all that is needed.

I share with you now how to accept yourself:

  • Trust there is a higher power guiding your every step, your every foot print on this earth. This higher power knows you, understands you, and embraces you.
  • Have faith that all is well all the time. Change the way you think about something and the way you are thinking about it will change. Why do you choose to struggle when you know, when you have faith all is well all the time?
  • Look within. Look within for the guidance you are seeking. The higher power isn’t “out there,” it is within. The higher power who knows you, understands you, and embraces you is within you.
  • Ask for all the details, no matter what it involves. Whether it is what to wear for the day, what to present to your boss, or what foods are best for your children—ask for all the details and you will guided.
  • Focus on what you desire and omit what others desire for you. It is not their life to live, it is yours. So live it.
  • Pay no attention to the grumbling person in your head, who is persistently trying to hold you back from what you desire. View that individual as a grumpy old man who wishes he would have accepted himself years ago.
  • Finally…Move it! Take action on your guidance. Take action on what you desire. If it feels light to you, then it must be right for you! Go for it!

Namaste, my friends. Namaste.


Sarah A. Sparks, MPA, is the speaker and relationship mentor for Create The Spark, LLC. Sarah has her BA in Human Resource Management, a certificate in Training: Design and Development from the University of Northern Iowa, as well as a MPA from Drake University. Sarah worked as a leader for two local governments in Iowa from 2004-2010, in the capacity of an Operations Transit Supervisor and Safety Coordinator, and as a Parks and Recreation Director. While serving these communities, Sarah mentored and trained numerous employees. Through this experience, she discovered the belief in one’s self is what limits someone from creating the life she desires. From that point onward, Sarah made it her mission to guide those who want to be mentored to create the life they desire by having the confidence and trust in themselves to make the right decision and say what they need to say, with love! Email Sarah at or visit



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