Do You Sometimes Feel Like a Stranger in a Strange Land?

By Dr. Mark Pitstick

Six Ways to Have an Optimal Earth-Experience

I recently received a letter from “Nancy,” a young lady who expressed feelings I’ve heard from many people around the world. I’m sharing her letter and my response since you or someone you know may have similar challenges.

Q: I’m not suicidal but I am just not comfortable in this physical world. There’s more to life than just what we SEE. I feel lost because I don’t agree with many ideas that society feeds us. I am seeking spiritual knowledge because I feel lost and really don’t have anyone I can talk to about all this. Thanks for listening, Nancy

A: Thanks for being so open and honest, Nancy. I know and have heard from many people who feel the same way; I definitely used to. On several occasions in the 1970s, I stood in an open field and sent telepathic messages to friendly ETs to beam me up because I felt like such a stranger in a strange land here. I now feel much more comfortable in my body even though, like you, my BS detector goes off daily.

It’s good that you don’t agree with society’s ideas that are sometimes off-base. Inquiring hearts/minds like yours are needed to evolve society for the better. One key is to remember your true self—your consciousness, awareness, spirit—whatever you want to call it. Your essence is only visiting planet earth for a very short while. For those who know they are eternal parts of Source Energy, it’s natural—at least initially—to feel out of place here.

The Bible speaks of being in this world while knowing that you are not solely of it. Various native cultures have shamans who teach how to live with one foot in the physical and the other in spiritual dimensions. So welcome to the world of awakening humans! You are learning firsthand that, as the saying goes, you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Many humans are now comfortably living in two dimensions simultaneously and you can do the same. Your current angst is just part of birthing the highest version of you, just as a new software upgrade involves change or a newborn baby has to struggle a bit to come into this world. Don’t be afraid of the process or get discouraged. Many people are currently waking up to the fact that they are much more than their five senses can detect.

Quantum physicists and wise spiritual teachers agree that the human senses only perceive much less than 1 percent of reality. The other 99.999 percent is energy, light, intelligence, love, God. And the great news—that can set you free—is you are an infinite and integral part of All That Is. There is no separation between you and Creator. You are firmly and lovingly embedded in eternity right now so take a few deep breaths and begin grounding and balancing your self. As you do, you will see past the veil of illusion that physicality is all there is and relax into this brief earth-visit.

Six recommendations for an optimal earth-walk include:

1. Educate yourself about the evidence that you are a wise, infinite, special, and powerful being. Transformation Magazine is an excellent example of media that addresses how to improve your life here-and-now. My websites and have FREE articles, radio shows, special reports and newsletters. My book and documentary film “Soul Proof” also teach the evidence and many benefits that accompany this realization.

2. Fine-tune your body/mind. My book Radiant Wellness shares seven keys to optimally caring for the temple of your soul. The word “radiant” is an acronym for those keys: renewal, activity, diet, inner cleanse, awareness, natural care, and transcendence. I especially recommend balancing your brain and body with a personalized nutritional healing program such as Nutrition Response Testing ( or Applied Kinesiology (

3. Enjoy fellowship with kindred spirits. There are many people like you and me who think differently than those still deluded by spiritual amnesia. These more enlightened souls tend to congregate at Unity, Unitarian-Universalist, Centers for Spiritual Living, and other more love- versus fear-based churches. Also consider attending yoga and meditation classes. People involved in the arts are often more sensitive, intelligent, and open to the richness and diversity of life. Start with this list and develop a spiritual family in addition to your beloved family and friends.

4. Take time to enjoy the beauty. Yes, there are earthly difficulties and areas that need improved, but there are also exquisite opportunities for enjoyment. Enjoy each day since this earth-experience lasts only a blink of an eye. Spend time in nature, appreciate the changes of each season, the smile of loved one, a great healthy dessert . . . the list of unique experiences to cherish is endless for those who view life without fear’s blinders.

5. Trust your inner voice. You have an innate intelligence, an inner wisdom that knows what is most true for you. Many elders have told me that, as children, they never believed archaic and erroneous religious teachings such as a fiery eternal hell, only one way to heaven, a vengeful God, etc. Similarly, disregard societal messages that you can’t have it all, that you only human, that this life is all there is. Instead, listen to that still, small voice within that will guide you toward the greatest life of your dreams.

6. Regularly enjoy centering practices. Proven ways for grounding incongruous energies, quieting your mind, and soothing your soul include: meditation, prayer, chanting, worship, ritual, tantra, serving others, playing with children or pets, etc. Take the time to enjoy whatever helps you remember who you are, why you’re here, and Who walks beside/within you always. You deserve it!

These six keys will help your body/mind become more on the same wavelength as your spirit. That’s when your earthly incarnation will reveal itself as the totally safe and exciting adventure amidst eternity that it is.



Mark Pitstick, MA, DC, is an author, radio show host, frequent media guest, chiropractic physician, clinical psychologist, and workshop leader who helps others know and show their magnificence in body, mind, and spirit. Visit his website at for free radio shows, e-mail newsletters, articles, and special reports. View his workshop schedule at To schedule a Soul Proof experiential workshop in your area, contact Mark via email at: or call 740-775-2189.


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