Alchemy of the Soul

By Emily Rivera Andrews

We can rewrite our story before the unfolding of time itself.

There is a carelessness to our thoughts and actions that often goes unnoticed. We have ideas that reflect inner turmoil of what has been and fear of what can be. But within us all is a well-established idea of the hidden but available potential within every moment and circumstance—the seed of re-scripting our course of action that comes from a state of gratitude and self-awareness. It is a dichotomy in terms of the “Alchemy of the Soul.”

Within us lies a knowledge that forecasts ideals into our present and futures that can align us to patterns of harmony and understanding. It is an idea that few have allowed themselves to ponder. But unlike these individuals, you are here, ready, and available to remember the potential of your soul in this human existence. Life emerged in the energy balance of the cosmos, and there is the “One” creative force that reputably has offered guidance in the past for so many. That “One” embodies love and clarity, that “One” is the union of light and higher awareness.

Time is an evolution, not a mere revolution of what has once been known.

It is an essence of equality among races and emerging souls of all paths and backgrounds, each able and capable for something more than what this human experience has encouraged you to perceive. We are here reminding you that you are not useless in your movements or actions. You are powerful beyond what words can express on this written paper. More powerful than mind has conceived in the past. This is a reawakening of eternal beings that have never fully died or, for that matter, have ever been born in separation from Source itself. You are an extension of reality itself, a reality of awareness and soul expansion into paradigms and essential possibilities that meld into immediate creations.

There are systems today that are at focused on consumption and a state of non-equilibrium, systems that have emerged from the minds of misperceiving men and women. Each of us is in our own cycle of change and we crave that change. A state of thriving is now necessary for the collective, for one and all to experience.

It has been said that man will awaken to his living potential, foreseeing the likelihood that each man/woman will unite in the space of love and unity. There is a remembrance of sorts in which all will seek a deeper understanding of their truth and inherent soul. There is a truth that has shaken many to their core in realization that they are in existence for a greater change into light. They are aligning with the possibilities that they are more than matter, more than form. Each is of universal service, a spark of light from the Creator of all creation. One of love and unencumbered essentials. Men/women have grown weak in this understanding, but each is awakening into something new, new but yet familiar for the encumbered heart.

Restless no more will you all be as the essentials of this movement broadcast as radiant realities of clarity and peace. Much is changing and much is taking hold, as new forms of existence enter this evolving planet. Science has proven for decades that the mind is elemental. While it once seemed essential and complete, it has exuded itself into new possibilities. New forms and structures are being fully perceived by creative minds, and fully expanding into evolving potentials by successors who carry new knowledge into this existence.

We are all emerging into higher forms.

The corresponding energies of transformation are inherent for each waking soul. A sense of accomplishment is craved by the emerging man/woman. It is a way for growth to be revealed, a way to determine where one has grabbed hold to expansion. There are many who are seeking and many more who will hold an influx of paramount accomplishments.

Seek to understand the kingdom of treasures that lies within. It is within that structure that abundance can create its true foundation, one in which many will experience rapid change through honoring and awe inspiring transformations.

Dive into the new possibilities that lie ahead with a different level of understanding that reminds you that within your core lies a dormant map, ready to be engaged and created—one existing in many realms and in many realities. One with the keys to varying levels of success and eternal expressions of love. Consistent determination and availability to the energies of Source and creation can determine your access to this map.

One must exist beyond the realms of limitations, beyond the realms of ill perception, and beyond the fear of rapid change.

Acceleration is here on many levels, culminating something passive but powerful. Something good for all to see. Revelations of human potential will come to the forefront and many, including you, will be reminded that you have been here before, and you have returned to claim this land as one for cultivating harmony, love, and harmonious creation. You are one moving into a path of clarity.

Seeking truth is what’s inherent, seeking love is what is called for on all our paths.

Acceleration of the mind in its vast expression of love will astonish all mankind.

With this, we leave you in a state free of uncertainty: that you are here to cast a light of love, a light of goodness, and clear change toward an evolving revolution and constitution.

Be light, be love, be wisdom.

Emily Rivera is a national speaker, consultant, and spiritual counselor who lectures on the power of eternal consciousness, energy, and serves as a channel for the Ascended Lights. Her popular events and readings offer insights and guidance to people all over the world. Her unique, multidimensional approach is truly empowering and brings forth exceptional clarity, healing, and inspiration for enhanced personal awareness and achievement. Emily knows we can change both our personal destiny, and that of human existence, when we awaken to our soul’s potential. By applying her techniques for making direct connections with innate wisdom, many report being propelled into a powerful paradigm shift. Visit

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