Discover Self and Awaken the Soul

By Emily Rivera Andrews

This month’s article is a compilation of two channeled texts from January 12 and 13 of 2014, the first from Divinely guided words received at 3:00 a.m. and the latter from a workshop session. Although they were received at different times, the messages are interrelated. In some sections, details within parenthesis have been included to offer clarity. I trust these messages with offer clarity and peace on your journey into harmonious serenity and greatness.

*A recording of the January 13 event can be downloaded at the, Titled: Connecting with Angels, Wings Book Store on 1/13/14.

January 13, 2014

Discoveries of the self in the process of expanding within all creators that are in form. (Creators being us and form our physical bodies)

All will awaken in ways that will shift the consciousness of this planet and its inhabitants.

All will shift.

The dispersing of the self that gets reunited will determine the outcome of the global changes that will unfold. (There are a set of global changes that will be impacting us all, and we can alter these changes into something more honoring to us all, if we can proactively seek and/or allow the truth of the reunification to flow. We seek and receive, rather than resist)

Dispel into different variations. (We all reunite the truth of the self, of whom you are, and who you are becoming.)

Some unpleasant for most to hold, but in time the wisdom of the light will transcend this reality into cascades of wisdom and divine formation. Free from anger and the hate that is contained within the form of man.

Much calamity will enable the remembrance and create the paths to new discoveries. In due time, all will awaken into infinite possibilities intended. For all souls. Calamities will render forms into perfection.

Liberating the hold contained in thoughts and minds of struggling individuals. Much will be freed and much will be given. All becoming transcendent in the light. Discovering the true self.

Discovery of the self.

January 12, 2014

Dispersion of the self.

Aligning to the needs of the self and identifying the desires of the soul it be (it insinuating the self.)

Disease itself is a form of misalignment that is plaguing most. The need to self-justify and a discredit of the being within is a cause to such disharmony. The idealization of the mind and the creations that are realizing themselves into form. A disconnection of the soul, a disconnection for the being that resides within the form. Much love is needed, much love is recognized, much love is given.

The dispersed self knows no remedies to what has been given by the conscious self, it remains in captivity of the mindless chatter of the mind. It remains in constant influx of what has been or would have been, to that of what could be and is to becoming. The self knows no rest within this mind, knows no theories of the remnant kingdom. Self lies brew and discontinue the truth being offered by the higher self and the truth that is love. Dire consequences are to awaken the intentions of the living mind contained in man, these are not of fear-based instruction, nor ones of doubt and scarcity, but ones of clarity in movement and understandings of the living soul.

Dwellings of one in the purest form (shown my beating heart and my light center), disappearance of the self that has been known and in many ways encouraged it to culminate the transition of man into new beings of knowledge and ascension. Ones of clear truth and originality from the limitless mind of the creator and creations of the universal mind of God. (Given in the words God, but no limitation in the representations of the one mind, source, Creator.)

Transcending into selves of Divine origins and into selves of true ascension. Discovering the self involves self-adjustment into the highest form. Programing the mind to self-adjust to the creative energies of source, to the truths of all creation. Sink into the moment itself and into a state of true consciousness. Disciples of freedom have been called forth to awaken the minds and souls that lie dormant. Self-creations will dispel into new creations. They will manage themselves into true creations. Once all this is realized, defenses will drop and miscreation of the self will cease to exist.

Knowledge-based traditions will cease to exist, and an arrival of the self will unfold. Trace the will back to a state of true surrender. Arriving into a place/space of creator’s will. Self-knowledge is key. Within that all will find the creator’s will for itself through mankind.

The self is dispersed into different directions that offer no rest and create more uncertainty.

Creative wisdom is brewing into levels of understanding for all to hold. Delivery of the true self. Creative flow is energy, creative energy will hold. Navigating through circumstances that lead you back to the whole. Divisions of the self and servants of the old. Christening into new shores, as originally intended and originally foretold. Division no longer the obsession, but an idea to let go. A SOUL unification within light, love and source. Step into the river of discovery, into the depths of the truth and the soul.

—The Angelic Realm
With love and honor,
Emily Rivera Andrews

Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, visit

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