New Year, New Age, New Beginnings

By Rev. Spencer Rouse

A brand new year is upon us, and with it perhaps a new age. Personal goals of new beginnings are again edging into our hearts and lives, although more gently than last year, when “end of the world” predictions were running rampant. While the planet kept rocking on into 2013, higher frequencies poured in to us from the cosmos; from higher spiritual realms. The good and beautiful in us began to reach out to these frequencies. The fears and muddy remnants of past errors felt heavy; unwanted. They started rising to the surface of our consciousness to be released and transmuted. Doors closed; others opened.

During the past year, the pace of our existence increased. Problems became opportunities to shift consciousness and make changes. If we tried to hold onto the relationships, habits and belief systems that were no longer in our highest interest, we felt weighted down, stuck. As we began to respond to the essence of truth and beauty within and around us, we became more capable of seeing it, feeling it. We became more eager than ever before to let go and move forward.

Change is not often easy, but the more we focus on where we are going rather than where we have been, the lighter and freer our journey will become.

Ride the New Energy
Ride the energy of the new age, and let it help you soar. It may take a little effort at first. We can all cite problems and issues that hold us back. It is rarely wise to overlook the material world realities of our lives but, as we look for solutions, rather than bemoaning our current position see these realities as stepping stones for growth, enlightenment and a purer connection to higher powers.

Ask for guidance and help from the higher beings of the spiritual realms. The solutions will be more complete and far-reaching than we could have devised from the logic of our minds alone.

Let your goal be to find the joy and even beauty in each situation.

The soul knows only truth and beauty. Take charge of your own destiny. You have the power. Use it.

We work against ourselves at a soul level when we give unhappiness and fear a home in our hearts. We slow down our progress. When we attune to our soul, it will guide the way and keep us in balance. Life becomes easier. Our vibration speeds up. Our brains do not have to work as hard, and we do not get mired down in the logic of the mind and the fears held from past experiences. Our tasks feel lighter. We actually become lighter. More light can enter our systems as our vibration increases and there actually is more space between the molecules!

Find Your Expression
Consciously summon gratitude for the small things, as well as the big things, in life. This practice will help you achieve a longer-lasting, positive perspective. It is not always easy to transmute insecurities and distrust into an energy that is more productive. It takes making peace with yourself and the unpleasant situations in your reality. Enumerating many things in your life that are positive helps shift these denser energies.

Listen to your heart. What is it telling you? What do you really want? Let your mind go still. Allow the essence to move through you, so that you recognize it for what it is. Respect it. Appreciate it. Do not try to control what you are feeling. Do not try to hide it or judge it.

Let it exist within you, freely. Come to terms with it. Allow the pure truth of it to be expressed through you. Let your words and actions be filled with your divine essence. This is your contribution to the universe. The universe would not be the same without your expression. None of us would be exactly who we are without your contribution.

As you make choices in your daily life now, consider what your goals are and who you are becoming. Unify your thoughts and emotions before you make decisions. This will provide time to savor your experiences and to advance through them. Feel the peace that will move through you if you are truly acting in harmony with your highest good. Express who you are with the confidence that comes from knowing yourself well. Demand integrity of yourself, knowing that it will shine through you to others. To be false to others is to be false to yourself.

Understand that you are a work in progress.

Accept your weaknesses and do not be afraid to have them exposed to others. To do otherwise creates a wall. When you are comfortable enough to let others see your flaws, it frees them to be more open with you. Only then can you connect with love.

Ride the energy of change that is coming to earth for our well-being.

Have the courage to explore who you really are. Accept what you find, but do not settle. Revel in it. As you move in harmony with your heart and your soul, take chances, reach farther, grow in wisdom, love with abandonment, and never lose your sense of humor. You will fly with freedom and joy in 2014.

Rev. Spencer Rouse has been a psychic medium, teacher, counselor, writer and healer for more than 25 years. She recently completed her Level 1 and 2 studies of Acoustic Sound, Color, and Body Movement with Fabien Maman (Father of Vibrational Sound Therapy) at the Tama-do Academy in Malibu, and Switzerland. Spencer teaches “Soul to Soul” classes in Sarasota, FL, which focus on how to tune into the true self through the tools of sound, color, and ancient teachings. She also will be presenting an interactive class focused on color, sound and Chi in relation to healing this winter. For more information visit, email or call 941-706-1005.

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