Angels & Inspirations: Silence, Truth and Awakening

By Emily Rivera Andrews

Within the vastness of our soul, silence resides in a space of love. A silence that is sustained by our soul’s awareness of itself. A self that is an individuated spark of our Source Creator, but simultaneously as complete as the whole. Within its core all is known and understood, love and peace its foundation.

The words your soul speaks are palpable within the silence. A beacon of truth with no reserve. Within its walls of no boundaries much is given and much is told. Breathe…….. As you inhale the energy of clarity and exhale the fears of mind.

As individuals we are experiencing a palpable shift within the awareness of who we are.

A calling to be present to the changes that are unfolding. These transitions will skip no one, but will impact us all. For some they will be subtle and for others more intense; but regardless of the individual, change will be felt. Universal awareness is becoming our new expanded purpose. A purpose that has always been part of the expansion craved by our soul, but we have entered a time in which we understand that as a collective we can all enter a higher state of awareness. The changes/ transitions are in preparation and in alignment to that. A collective shift that encourages us all to be available to manifest in form the truth the soul knows itself to be.

September was a month for growth and exploration, and this energy will continue to reinvent itself within each of us throughout October. Details that awaken our soul’s journey are of essential nature. We each celebrate our beauty and soul’s yearnings in different ways. Some find comfort in the slow paced environments, while others crave a menu of variety to keep them entertained. Regardless of what honors and serves your beautiful spirit, it is essential that you understand that growth and exploration are part of our collective experience.

What awakens your uniqueness?
What offers you hope?
How can you embrace and proactively engage the energies of growth and exploration that await your arrival?

Let this month’s unique energies and September’s energies of growth and exploration  engage your senses in ways that honor your unique truth. Play and visit the areas within yourself that are yearning expression. Delight in the magic that fills us all. Growth is in the air, and the exploration of ourselves and our true nature is being encouraged in multitude of ways. Be witness and an active participant this month as much will be given, inspired, and awakened.

In honoring of the guidance I have been given, I will be going to soon disperse my energies out in nature for a few days… Commune with my soul, God, and the beauty within the elements of water and earth. Join me in silence at your own time and space, as together we can enter a timeless state of being free from superficial distractions. Where we can say yes to our Hearts and Spirits. No cell phones, no FB, no music, no computers, but only silence and God’s beauty. Pure Divine ecstasy. I encourage  you to embrace and embody your own Divine uniqueness, by creating the space and time for silence. Let the vastness of your soul and the silence it resides in, speak to you in a way that further inspires the manifestation of the truth you came here to be.

Much love and goodness
~Emily & The Angels

Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, email or visit To order her book Connecting with the Angels visit

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