Angels & Inspirations: Riding the Waves of Change

By Emily Rivera Andrews

As I look out into the day, I’m reminded how reality, as most of us know it, is in a state of drastic and noticeable transition. We each are perpetually in a condition of growth and change. It is an innate desire to thrive, grow, and experience the world around us. Our bodies naturally express this truth, though changes in our skin, cells, and organs. Every one of us completely regenerates our skin every seven days and every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every seven years. Just like our bodies, our states of mental and spiritual consciousness are meant to experience change and expansion.

That’s why we are here. Our souls incarnated in these bodies to learn, experience, and expand. We set the intention to be present within our circumstances, since within each circumstance we are divinely prompted when and how to continue, change, or create something new.

“Change occurs in waves,”—the Angels

These waves may carry strong and palpable surges of energy that create rapid shifting. These waves may feel tumultuous, overwhelming, invigorating, and/or exciting. During other times the energetic intensity of these waves of change are subtle, gentle, and may be filled with ease. Regardless of how they appear, they are continually flowing our way. Just like the passing of time, the aging of our bodies, the changes in season, the experience of change is inevitable. We are each unique embodiments of perpetual change.

The truth that I would like to encourage us all to recognize is that through change we experience gifts and opportunities that lead to the unfolding of our true selves. The unfolding of our soul’s potential. The unfolding of miracles.

“All in divine harmony, all in divine timing.” —the Angels

Global changes are occurring all around us, and regardless of what label we give these changes, they are all unfolding within a greater space of harmony that at times it’s hard for us to fully conceive. The same harmony is expressing itself within us through the cycles of change we are experiencing right now. To be part of this harmony on a conscious level that our total mind can comprehend, we need to silence our active minds and allow our intuitive centers to navigate. Transition is inevitable for us all, and it is unfolding on many levels. Some can easily recognize and anticipate this shift of consciousness, while others find themselves in a state of confusion as they grasp to control their reality as they see it.

We are all being encouraged to offer our special contribution to the collective’s energy within this global change. This contribution can manifest itself in many ways, as it will be unique to each individual. Some of us may be inspired to share prayers and intentions of love and healing, while others may be inspired to take action to create positive energy and influence within the changes. Regardless of the type of inspiration that manifests through you, know and recognize that you are a unique and crucial thread to the web of transition unfolding. A significant voice in the response that will ultimately unfold within the masses
We are also being encouraged to remain available to the expansion of mental capabilities that will enable different forms of communication, self expressions, and connection. These will include things like telepathic communication, telekinesis, transcendental vision, and more. For some this may seem farfetched, but know that regardless of your perception on these seemingly impossible things, they will be abilities that will be available to us all.
I trust that the transition you may be currently experiencing is enabling you to see the magnificence available within you and all around you. Always know that angelic presences will be lovingly guiding you through it all from a place of admiration and non-judgment.

May love, light, and the joy available within change inspire your mind, body, and spirit.

Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, email or visit

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