Get Off the Carousel

By Linda Commito

“Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.”—Eckhart Tölle

Do you sometimes feel like you are on a Merry-Go-Round, going past the gold ring over and over, not realizing that it is already in your hand?

Does TOMORROW seem to be getting here sooner and sooner? Do you find yourself saying, “I can’t believe another day, week, year . . . has gone by so quickly?”

And yet, it’s not only possible, but probable, that we will let large chunks of our day and of our lives pass by without acknowledgment and appreciation, unless we stop and pay attention to the precious moment that we are experiencing right now.

Where did all that time go? There is no time bank that is storing those hours and days that disappeared unawares. So, it seems like they are lost forever.

Most of us, when we’re not immersed on our cell phones, computers, or TVs, spend time worrying about the future or reliving the past—neither of which are giving us the sense of peace that one gets from being in the NOW.What a waste of our precious days, our once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to truly live in the moment, to totally appreciate each person and experience. What if we could allow ourselves the free time to create, to learn, to explore, and perhaps, as importantly, to just BE.

While there are times when it’s important to think about the future, we should always be cognizant that the present is all that we truly have.

What can we do to make sure that we give the PRESENT moment the attention that it deserves?Let’s be fully conscious of this moment, to discover the joy and to express gratitude for this gift of lifeand those who are sharing it with you.

Don’t spend today worrying about tomorrow. It will come soon enough—or not at all—and at least you will not have lost the last day of your life thinking about the next.

Make today your best day!

Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. Linda’s award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love Is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness. Her latest project, the card game Just Ask 1 2 3, was inspired by a desire to connect people of all different ages, beliefs and lifestyles to share our individuality and find commonality. Linda also created “Kindness Starts with Me,” a program, book and website for children. For more information visit or visit the Facebook page

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