First Impressions are Intuitive

By Owen K Waters

When we meet people, we receive insights about the nature of their consciousness, such as their true emotional state.

Whenever you step firmly into heart-centered consciousness, your awareness immediately becomes more connected to your inner source of intuition. Through intuition, you become aware of information about people, places, and events that springs from the essence of those people, places, and events. This information is not delivered through the outside senses, although it may unfold within you at the same time that you receive sensory information.

While visual information relates only to the sense of sight, intuitive information includes much more. It includes all sensory information—sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste—and, in addition to that, the thoughts, feelings and memories that are relevant to the situation.

First impressions are much more than visual; they are intuitive as well. When you are about to meet a person for the first time and you are approaching them, you will receive a visual impression and your consciousness will also receive impressions about the nature of their consciousness, such as their true emotional state. That intuitive stream of information will come into your awareness alongside the visual stream and—if you are aware that it exists—you can add the intuitive information to your conscious impression of the person.

Everyone receives this intuitive information stream unconsciously, but, for it to arrive in your conscious mind, you have to:

1) Be aware that it exists.

2) Be open to receiving it.

The more you practice having openness to intuitive information, the more this ability will develop.

Most people are not aware of their mental and emotional transmissions. In a crowd of people, these transmissions add together and there is as much mental noise as there is physical noise. As you become more in tune with your inner senses, you will find that, on some occasions, it’s better not to access your intuitive information for a time, just to give yourself some peace from the volume of mental noise.

At night, when you travel out-of-body in the spirit realms, communication is different than when you are awake in your physical body. The natural method of communication in your spirit body is to exchange information with others via thought. In the spirit world, people naturally know when to open for a communication and when to close down their thought transmissions again. There, you sense when a person “opens” to you and sends a mental greeting, or when they are “closed” and not offering any communication.

The reception of such inner information is automatic, but the conscious mind misses this information feed when it is focused entirely upon the external world. Be more aware of your own intuitive information. Be open to it. Then, it will flow right into your conscious mind along with the visual information that your conscious mind is receiving.

Owen is a cofounder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, where a where a free spiritual growth newsletter awaits you at: He is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better the nature of their spiritual potential. Owen’s life has been focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. For the past 12 years, he has written a spiritual metaphysics newsletter which empowers people to discover their own new vistas of inspiration, love and creativity. Spiritual seekers enjoy his writings for their insight and clarity.

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